Challenges in education Counseling on campus

[00:05 - 00:10]
Could it be true that we are becoming too dependent on tests and advice from
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[00:11 - 00:15]
I have a feeling that in our culture we may be getting
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counseled getting psyched getting tested. Part of the tribal ritual
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and my own feeling is that if you can solve your own problems you're better off solving them than
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in finding yourself in the hands of a professional problem solver.
[00:31 - 00:36]
It's only when when you can't confront the issues before you when you don't know what the
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opportunities are or your own resources are that you. You need professional
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[00:42 - 00:47]
The speaker is Dr. Henry White's at the moment. He talks about counseling on
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the college campus.
[00:48 - 01:00]
Challenges in education presented by Duke University.
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Here with today's feature is Charles Bronson.
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Some people require the services of an expert counselor because they made out to be able to
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recognize their own resources.
[01:12 - 01:17]
Dr. Henry White's director of the Duke University Counseling Center explains his work well
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a function of counseling in a university setting is much the same as it is in any other setting.
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You have people who are troubled and have problems of one kind or another.
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They come to a professional counselor counselor with a view of getting these problems
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resolved. And in the process of finding
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solutions to the problems that they bring you try
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to help the client learn how to solve problems
[01:46 - 01:51]
as they occur. Just when should one receive counseling services
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at any point where a youngster can make some kind
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of. Guess is about the kind of life he
[02:01 - 02:06]
wants to lead. Whether he has made them or not. Then you can begin
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helping him assess his own abilities his own interests his
[02:11 - 02:16]
own personality structure in ways that will make it possible for him to achieve
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these goals. Now I'm not saying that everybody should therefore rush off and get
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counseling all I'm saying is if if they're not satisfactorily
[02:25 - 02:30]
achieving the kind of serenity in their current life that they want
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and they're willing to accept help then this is a good time to do it
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[02:37 - 02:42]
According to Dr. White's offer clues to the counselor but primarily they are used to
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save time.
[02:43 - 02:48]
My feeling about testing and most of the counsellors who are
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oriented in the way that I've been trying to describe here. You test
[02:53 - 02:58]
as an important device for providing certain types of
[02:58 - 03:02]
information more efficiently than you can get it any other way.
[03:02 - 03:08]
But only if you use tests only when you need tests. If I
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want to know what a youngster's interests are I gotta ask him.
[03:12 - 03:18]
But in order to find out something about the whole structure of its interest patterns
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that might give us some clues as to the kinds of activities he's likely to find satisfying.
[03:24 - 03:29]
We've actually tried this. It might take as much as six hours of interviewing to
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find out about his interest structure to find the same amount
[03:34 - 03:39]
of information as I can get in a 45 minute interest test. Just
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in terms of economy of time and objectivity of
[03:43 - 03:48]
results I would rather use it test here than spend
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six hours trying to find this out. The same thing is true for
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us as there is no point in saying to a kid I want to give you a
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reading test unless you have some reason to suspect that there is either a
[04:03 - 04:07]
reading handicap here or that there is an unusual
[04:07 - 04:09]
skill in reading.
[04:09 - 04:14]
Dr. Weiss give some advice. Find goals that are realistic.
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Find ways of achieving them using your talents interests in a
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personality and taking into account the realistic environmental
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constraints that you have to take into account as you move toward your
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goals. This permits you to check the conflict before it arises in
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your life.
[04:34 - 04:38]
This is Charles Braswell with challenges in education from Duke University.
[04:38 - 04:43]
This program was distributed by the national educational radio network.
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