National Association of Educational Broadcasters 41st Annual Convention, 1965 Educational Communications - A Look At The Future

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OK. Testing 1 2 3 4 Testing 1 2 3 4 Testing 1 2 3
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4 3 3 cores.
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Morning ladies and gentlemen. There are more seats up here know the panelists are all coming
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up front. So come on down towards the front.
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I don't know who's planning it was to put as the first small meeting like
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this this early Monday morning as a look in the future. These things
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usually held the last day of the conference but that's me. Start us off on the right foot.
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My whole purpose here this morning is to get this meeting started right on time and to turn it over to your
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chairman Mr. Emanuel Stroman from
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who's director of public relations at Litton Industries.
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There's a little systems that is systems sold without further
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[01:32 - 01:36]
We're all aware that just in that
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community we just had a breakdown a communications system
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[01:42 - 01:51]
[01:51 - 02:00]
We all know that communications is playing a ever increasing role in education in the
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United States today and we're going to take a look at what some of the future
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trends and needs are in this area. We have a distinguished panel here of educators and
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representatives from industry. And I will introduce them and will use this
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format will have the educational representatives tell
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about the requirements as they see them and will have the people from industry
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give their views and their answers as to what industry is doing about meeting these requirements.
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And then if we have time we'll open questions from the floor
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start up.
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Alamo Lang who is manager of product planning for visual
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communications product at General Electric. Am I right.
[02:44 - 02:53]
JOHN CLAPHAM and product manager broadcast video products of the Ampex corporation.
[02:53 - 02:57]
George Callahan sales project manager AT&T
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Jim Miles director of radio and TV at Purdue University and the
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Robert Cherokee university dean of academic planning at the University of California.
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And last but not least Richard Poole an assistant director Office of running
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resources educational systems division of light and industry supposed to start
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off with Mr. Miles.
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Good morning or still a few seats up here.
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I will help
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[03:34 - 03:44]
I'm going to read a paper this morning simply because I wasn't real certain Up until the
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last minute that I could possibly make this meeting and I was going to have to
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impose upon my good associate John glade. And I thought
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well bad enough to ask him to do it let alone ask him to make the speech so I'd
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better sit down and do something and. In the interest of saving time and
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so on I think I will do just that.
[04:08 - 04:13]
Education's needs for new communications technologies are bound up in what is fast
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becoming a cliche to the average public but which is nevertheless very real to anyone
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working in educational circles. The question education is
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today facing a tremendous challenge brought on by the explosion of knowledge and the
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explosion of population. We all know about the population explosion but it may be
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helpful to again bring home to everyone how really tremendous it is to facts
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in the past decade the public school enrollment in the state of Indiana has grown by over 30
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percent. To the institutions of higher learning in
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Indiana have nearly three times as many students as they had prior to World War Two
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three times. Contradictions by producers Academic Vice President Paul of
[04:58 - 05:03]
China indicate that we can expect a doubling of college enrollment in Indiana
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each decade in the future each decade in the future which means a
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six to eight fold increase by the year 2000.
[05:12 - 05:17]
Thirty five short years away on the information side various
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authorities have used various time spans in their predictions. But the one I like the best is
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that if we took all the knowledge in the world up to the year 1930 and doubled it we would
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now be in the year 1960 another doubling will occur early in the
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1970s. And the time needed for doubling will grow smaller with
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each such a doubling in the future. Pretty Then the poor
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professor who a few short decades ago found it fairly easy to read his field
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and at the same time instruct a reasonable number of students. Today the same professor
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finds that there is anywhere from three to ten times as much material published which he must review in
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order to read his field and at the same time three to ten times the number of students
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are demanding to take his courses with the situation growing more complicated.
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The only thing a reasonable professor can do is retire or he
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really will never live long enough to ever again be able to adequately read his field
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or personally handle his students by using conventional
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methods. Professors educators should be ready to accept
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some of these newer tools. They're only human of course and they're going to have to be
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encouraged and nudged into this acceptance.
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Some few have already arrived at acceptance. Others are coming to this realization
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It will take a decade or more before there is general acceptance of these ideas
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but it will come. But then can we do what
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types of equipment are seemingly most needed. Welp at the top of the list helps all the
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information explosion. I must put the centers which are attempting to organize the world
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knowledge in Given limited fields. There is such a center at Purdue University
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known as the thermal physical properties Research Center. The director of
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the center told me a week or two ago that we now have
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all of the world's knowledge on the thermal physical properties of matter.
[07:21 - 07:25]
A bold statement. But I believe you.
[07:25 - 07:30]
Granted it's a limited field in research and if not more than several decades old
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nevertheless it's taken eight years of diligent searching with a half million dollar annual budget
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to be able to even make a list of all this material. Now
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the process has started to collect all of this material and I mean now the
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printed page and this job is some 60 to 70 percent complete.
[07:51 - 07:56]
Well I'm certain you can see what follows. Where do you store all of this material and the rapidly
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growing body of information which continues year after year. The PRC is going
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to micro fish and all of the material is rapidly being transferred over to this
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method of storage. On the citation side this has
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long been stored on computer tapes and books which represent printouts of the computer
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tapes have been published and sold. One hundred fifty dollars a copy.
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But the completion of the installation of our IBM Model 67 computer about 18
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months we will be able to put these several tapes from TPR CD on
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in an on line situation for anyone who wishes to use the teletype to retrieve the information
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contained therein. Once having found the information a teletype message to
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TPR see would cause the PRC to either make a microfiche copy and airmail
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it to the researcher or if technology permits allowing to put it on a slow scan
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television device and feed it to the user where it could be taken off in hard copy form
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by electrostatic photocopy processes we need and hope to
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have in the next few years. This system in actual operation it needs to
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be repeated many hundreds of times. You know their feelings.
[09:08 - 09:14]
As far as the handling of students is concerned the professors need to learn to use the modern tools of
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communication that currently exist and to be aware of new ones as they are developing.
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Many professors have not yet learned to properly use the
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telephone. Thus we have an education job to convince them that they can
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use such things as the electro writer. So scan television facsimile and tell a typewriter.
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More important than that we have to convince them that they should use these things and that they
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in fact need to use them. It is in this latter
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area which should perhaps not be characterized as an explosion but rather as a
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thickening of the already impenetrable educational jungle that
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educational communications people must spend the most time on. This can only be done on an
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individualized basis showing by precept and example the values to be gained by
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using storage and retrieval audio visual devices television
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and other devices and by participating actively in the simple
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exchange of information with counterparts at other institutions.
[10:18 - 10:24]
It used to be said that it took a generation to change educational methodology. I
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firmly believe we've now trimmed this down to perhaps a decade. In
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1962 we started some work with geology people at the 11 Midwestern universities which are
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joined together in what is known as the CIC. The committee on institutional cooperation
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of the Big Ten of the University of Chicago. I'm very hopeful that by 1972 we
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will have major portions of the beginning science courses on television tape
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and that these will be used in a number of these 11 institutions in regular coursework.
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Other areas will come in time and the decade will be shortened to but a few years and
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maybe even shorter. Someday we will get to the place where a good idea is
[11:04 - 11:09]
easily distributed and generally readily accepted.
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The millennium I firmly believe will certainly be within my lifetime.
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How then can the industry help us. Well I think the best way is to make simple
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communications tools work easier better and
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cheaper. Certainly we will want to know more about computers. We will want to
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use these inexact and exotic ways like computer assisted instruction.
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We will want to use complex television productions operated perhaps in conjunction with programmed
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instruction. But these things are a bit down the road.
[11:43 - 11:48]
Our first job is simple. Just make it easy for people to talk to
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each other and they can support affirmatively those
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educational communications people who are working directly with the faculties
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to get them to start talking. This is the only place
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to start. The rest will follow.
[12:06 - 12:14]
Thank you.
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Our next speaker will be doing charity.
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Thank you Mr. Chairman. It is my pleasure to be with you
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not being one of your member I'm particularly honored to be invited to address this group.
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I was given rather too much carte blanche in what I
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what I could say.
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So I have decided to be rather broadly oriented
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and concern myself with the the fact
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that in order to discuss the role of communications communication
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systems particularly in the future of higher education of course it's necessary to assess
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the changing activities within the colleges and the universities which must be filled
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by communication systems from the University of
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California we are particularly acutely aware of these problems having at the present
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time nine campuses each campus each of these being a general campus with the exception
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of San Francisco which is only for Medical Sciences. But each of our general
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campuses is planned for a student population of around 25000 students.
[13:32 - 13:37]
There will be at least four more by the year 2000 we're currently in the process of trying to make
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our our plans for growth of the University of California to the U.S. to the year
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2000 by which time we will need at least four more campuses actually will need them by the year
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1985. So this is a very acute
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problem which we face in California.
[13:55 - 14:00]
We face other acute problems in the University of California. But I shan't make it in the
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present time.
[14:01 - 14:06]
One of the only advantages I have discovered in being the only
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administrator in the state was ministration at least with a beard is that I can walk across the Berkeley
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campus and be accepted by Tom.
[14:17 - 14:22]
Likewise. Well I'm not entirely appreciated this. I feel in some of the
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administrative circles for example.
[14:24 - 14:29]
Recently I saw the plans for a new library which we're building out on one of our new campuses
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in Santa Cruz which is a very delightful place for those of you who may have a chance to come and visit
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us I highly recommend it. And there's libraries it's a kind of on a mountain and there's a
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there's a moat going around it which I suggested could be filled with water and
[14:43 - 14:47]
subsequently stocked with microfiche. But.
[14:47 - 14:48]
I try.
[14:48 - 14:58]
So what is the what can I say about the changing role the
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changing images the changing activities of universities which are going to acutely
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affect how we can make adequate use of communication systems and
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how in my opinion the communications engineers should should look toward
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list should look in order to help us.
[15:15 - 15:20]
I'll make my brief comments under three categories educational
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activities research activities and public service
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activities which are carried on by institutions of higher education.
[15:29 - 15:32]
First education. Now we have had.
[15:32 - 15:40]
Beautifully illustrated for us the problem of the expanding demand for
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higher education based on the increase in population and grade based upon the
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explosion of knowledge. I shall make no further comments about that I could
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not possibly enlarge on the only presentation already
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already given you.
[15:57 - 16:02]
I would however point out that not only is there this enormous increase in
[16:02 - 16:06]
demand resulting from the population explosion and the knowledge explosion there is
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also the enormous increase in demand because more people want to go to college.
[16:11 - 16:16]
And this is also very critical we are again acutely aware of this in the California
[16:16 - 16:21]
scene where already Earth it has been customary for a third of our high school
[16:21 - 16:26]
graduates go on to college and it is rep it is assumed that by the year 2000 this will have
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risen to probably two thirds. Whether all these should go to college or not is another
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question. But that's not the point. The demand is there.
[16:34 - 16:41]
In order to meet these demands as has been pointed out we must multiply the effectiveness
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of the teachers and we must multiply the effectiveness of the facilities which
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we have available. Because in order to finance this higher education
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we are going to have to both increase the concept of how much it costs
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we have to change the concept by orders of magnitude. We cant worry if we are really going to do it if
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the if the public demand is to be met and the public really if the public really wants it met then they
[17:06 - 17:11]
must recognise that their concept of how much it costs is going to have to change not in terms of
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dollars but in terms of in terms of full numbers of
[17:16 - 17:20]
full of dollars that will have to be have to be spent. The present budget of the University of
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California alone just the University of California for example including its
[17:25 - 17:31]
federal contracts is at the present time operating budget is Six hundred million dollars a
[17:31 - 17:36]
year. Six hundred fifty million this year. That does not include the expansion program that is not
[17:36 - 17:41]
into the buildings and so on for that in order to expand at the rate the university will have to
[17:41 - 17:46]
expand if it is to fill the need of really to fill the demands of the of the people of the state of
[17:46 - 17:50]
California we will have to have a bond issue of almost 200 million dollars
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every other year.
[17:52 - 17:56]
This is out of the question. How are we going to do these things.
[17:56 - 18:03]
Well we must make maximum use of our of our instructors and our facilities. We
[18:03 - 18:07]
must have all kinds of intercommunication networks by which we can multiply the
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effectiveness of our of our instructors. We must have all kinds of
[18:12 - 18:17]
inner communicating neck networks whereby we can use our facilities throughout our
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state and throughout the nation for example just take one. Let me give you one example a library.
[18:22 - 18:29]
We have assumed that it would be necessary to build two major libraries one in Northern
[18:29 - 18:34]
California and one in Southern California one for our Northern campuses one for our Southern campuses each of these
[18:34 - 18:39]
being libraries of Ultimately five to 10 million volumes credible sized libraries.
[18:39 - 18:43]
Yet each of our campuses rightfully feels that they should have their own
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library of 5 to 10 million volumes. How can they have immediacy of
[18:48 - 18:53]
access if they don't have it right on their campus and there's there is a reality to
[18:53 - 18:58]
their to their concerns. We tried such failing techniques as
[18:58 - 19:04]
buses by which we could move books from from campus to campus. But it didn't work fast
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enough so we decided all right let's move the people so we could put seats on the buses and then move the people back and
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forth but this doesn't work either. This is these are not the answers the only answers are of course all but they do have
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some kind of information storage and retrieval system which is available
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immediately online from wherever the faculty member happens to be.
[19:22 - 19:29]
A second area of educational change which is going on in our
[19:29 - 19:34]
universities is the dependence of the top of a technological society such as
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we have on the trained technician and professional.
[19:40 - 19:45]
Let's face it the society is run now by trained technicians and professionals and
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it will be more so each passing year and the demand for trained technicians and professionals
[19:50 - 19:56]
continues to mount excessively enormously I should say.
[19:56 - 20:01]
Accompanying this is obsolescence technological obsolescence which happens now in
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some fields some engineering fields within five years within five years after that after the cessation of
[20:05 - 20:10]
a formal education period the individual is no longer properly educated to undertake
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the technological demands for his particular profession happens to impose.
[20:16 - 20:21]
So we must have some kind of continuing education we must lead.
[20:21 - 20:27]
Change the concept of when education stops so that it is recognized that
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one must continue as has always been the case in some of the professions such as medicine. We
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must recognise all professionals must recognise that the process of continuing education is
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part and parcel essential to their continued affective MS as technically trained members
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of society. And this is going to change a great deal of our requirements in terms of how do we disseminate
[20:47 - 20:52]
knowledge and education throughout throughout society. Let me jump now
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to the question of research. Several things are changing
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the picture of research and introducing new needs for various kinds
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of information transmission. First of all the nature of
[21:06 - 21:11]
research projects is changing to the extent that they require more and more intercoastal
[21:11 - 21:15]
operations. The pre-war days when most research done in universities was done on a
[21:15 - 21:20]
solitary individual basis of a scientist in his laboratory working
[21:20 - 21:24]
diligently with the crude equipment. This is all gone as you well know in
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our research projects are characterized by interdisciplinary questions.
[21:30 - 21:34]
They are characterized by expensive facilities which have which can only be constructed in one
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area and then use must be made of these by wide spread groups and so on. This means that we must have
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rapid dissemination of information throughout our Throughout this
[21:44 - 21:49]
network of research activity. We must have rapid dissemination of new knowledge
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for the economic health of our technological society in order to keep our society
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going in order to keep our economy competitive. We must continually introduce the latest
[21:58 - 22:03]
developments of technology. This means we must have communications systems by which we can
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do this. How do we manage to get the immediacy of research into the
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technological into the of the industry the technological industry.
[22:13 - 22:18]
Not only is this important for the for the economic welfare of our technological industry
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but it is so important for the solution to national problems social problems health problems
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for example. Look at the recent which I mention and in a minute the
[22:27 - 22:32]
recent legislation on heart disease cancer and stroke which requires this kind
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of immediate. One of the one of the thrusts of that legislation is to bring into
[22:37 - 22:41]
immediate use of research and knowledge gained in the University Medical School.
[22:41 - 22:47]
Finally a few comments on the public service aspects of the universities Now these
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this is a never neverland and this is the area where the greatest
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concern now exists in the university mind and rightfully so.
[22:57 - 23:02]
There has been as you are all well aware now an underground development within the
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universities which has been primarily response the result of
[23:07 - 23:12]
the fact that universities are the major reservoir of expertise available to the government and to
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[23:13 - 23:19]
When this was discovered and as as we became more and more technological and as the property as
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the as the function of governing became more and more technological and more and more complex
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and involved and demanded more and more studied the
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comprehensiveness the universities were drawing on the expertise of the
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universities became drawn for consultation and advice. At first the
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government and still to a large extent the government and industry do this on a one to one basis they go
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and they look for the person who is the expert and say Will you come and consult on such and
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such a problem. That's fine and that meant that this underground
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movement of the faculty toward Washington has reached has reached the proportions
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where one wonders where one's faculty is most of the time and then one knows where they are there in
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Washington or out some other area consulting.
[24:05 - 24:12]
One should not underestimate this. This is this this is an
[24:12 - 24:18]
enormous wave of activity which the universities are carrying on.
[24:18 - 24:22]
The next step in this is the obvious one in which the government and industry recognize that the
[24:22 - 24:27]
university itself as an institution is better able to recognize and partition its
[24:27 - 24:32]
expertise. So instead of hunting for the individual and plucking them out go to the institution or
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sub some sub unit of the institution such as a center or an institute and ask that
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they instead ask the question of the unit that this works with this is a more
[24:42 - 24:46]
efficient use and so this is beginning to happen more and more. And now the government of industry will come to the
[24:46 - 24:52]
universities and ask them either as universities or as the appropriate subhumans to solve problems.
[24:52 - 24:56]
Fine but this is a new role for universities to play they've never they've never
[24:56 - 25:00]
conventionally done this before. Before very recently
[25:00 - 25:04]
the next step is actually beginning to happen.
[25:04 - 25:09]
And this is the one that intrigues me most. The university is beginning to become an
[25:09 - 25:14]
executor of social welfare. To the extent that it is
[25:14 - 25:18]
being built into legislation look again at the heart disease cancer and stroke
[25:18 - 25:24]
here in the construction of that legislation. The University Medical School
[25:24 - 25:29]
University and its medical school were set up at the top and it was just assume now these will
[25:29 - 25:33]
be the regulators the controllers actually the designers and constructors
[25:33 - 25:36]
of this network of health of health.
[25:36 - 25:42]
Facilities which will be stationed around the country of the Technical Services Act
[25:42 - 25:47]
recently passed that I'm sure many of you are familiar with. For example
[25:47 - 25:52]
indicates that each state shall then appoint some
[25:52 - 25:57]
agency within it as the responsible agency for implementing this
[25:57 - 26:02]
Technical Services Act and the for example California is doing what it but it
[26:02 - 26:07]
would tend to do in other states would probably do the same thing it appoints its university as the agent for
[26:07 - 26:11]
implementing the technical services. This means that the universities are for are
[26:11 - 26:17]
are being thrust into this new role of executors of Public Welfare again something
[26:17 - 26:22]
universities have never done. The universities are changing markedly as you can see from
[26:22 - 26:27]
this. And I'm wondering what's going to happen to them and when are the universities going to decide to sit up
[26:27 - 26:31]
and see what's happening to them and decide whether they want it to happen to them or not and which direction they wish to
[26:31 - 26:36]
go. And you can see the enormous significance this has for the for what role
[26:36 - 26:41]
communication systems must play in universities in the future. Let me close by pointing out
[26:41 - 26:46]
the kind of extension I see in this in this process. The university
[26:46 - 26:50]
began as a cloistered monastic
[26:50 - 26:55]
situation. Primarily designed to enable scholars
[26:55 - 27:00]
to remove themselves from society get behind walls live a
[27:00 - 27:04]
life of scholastic seclusion and
[27:04 - 27:09]
do what scholars did illuminated manuscripts and things
[27:09 - 27:15]
fun. This was the beginning of the universe these walls are crumbling and they have
[27:15 - 27:19]
crumbled very markedly already. The university is becoming an imminent direct
[27:19 - 27:24]
day to day part of the process of society. In fact I propose for its becoming even more than
[27:24 - 27:29]
that it is becoming the very focus of our society itself. The university is emerging
[27:29 - 27:34]
as that that social structure on which the very the very
[27:34 - 27:39]
activities of society will him. And this is the most remarkable thing that the
[27:39 - 27:44]
universities must recognise this is happening and this is responsible for a lot of the
[27:44 - 27:48]
unrest in universities at the present time among the faculty. They don't like this. They do not. They
[27:48 - 27:53]
prefer Many a large percentage I would say of the faculty who have who
[27:53 - 27:58]
who belong to the core of academics the core academic structure of
[27:58 - 28:02]
universities are there because they do not want to be to be
[28:02 - 28:07]
engaged with society because they do want to withdraw because they feel they can make their big
[28:07 - 28:12]
major contributions by being remote from the social upheavals and they're not happy about this
[28:12 - 28:17]
change. So I'm proposing universities are going to have to undergo a tremendous upheaval and revise
[28:17 - 28:22]
themselves and perhaps my suggestion is that we build in the center of
[28:22 - 28:26]
the university. The groves of academe and buffer them and
[28:26 - 28:31]
keep them remote as possible from society and put into these central groves of academe those
[28:31 - 28:36]
people who can make their major contributions to society by being kept remote from society
[28:36 - 28:41]
who are unhappy and dismayed by being in the imminence of social activity fine put them
[28:41 - 28:46]
there and then have surrounding peripheral concentric rings of the university. Ultimately
[28:46 - 28:51]
the professional schools on the outside not on the outside but near the rim the professional schools and
[28:51 - 28:56]
then finally the intra digitizing parts of the university that extend out
[28:56 - 29:00]
into into society. And I propose for you that we must look forward to what
[29:00 - 29:05]
communications networks must provide for us as a university that is no longer.
[29:05 - 29:10]
Not only is no longer bounded by walls but is no longer bounded by geography it doesn't stop
[29:10 - 29:15]
any particular place you couldn't say here's where university stops in the rest of the of the society the community
[29:15 - 29:20]
begins now that must dissolve. There must be no stopping point. The thing must just be the
[29:20 - 29:25]
first just completely diffuse one into the other. So that for example
[29:25 - 29:30]
education goes on in factories education via closed circuit television goes on
[29:30 - 29:35]
and in throughout industry. Emanating from the university
[29:35 - 29:40]
or controlled by the university or I don't like the word control I don't really want to put it
[29:40 - 29:44]
thrust into that role organized by the university and probably
[29:44 - 29:49]
promoted by the university. You know not only must the universities thoughts lose their
[29:49 - 29:53]
geographical boundaries this also U.S. route to the university this is a this is a
[29:53 - 29:58]
most enormous concept because it says we can't even any any longer ask such
[29:58 - 30:03]
questions as how many faculty members do you have. We can't answer that question now. We have some people that
[30:03 - 30:08]
dollar income from the university some will get half their income from university and half from other sources and
[30:08 - 30:13]
probably who can say how many faculty we have. It's no longer a meaningful question. Yet we're still trying to
[30:13 - 30:17]
force ourselves into these old pigeonhole. And finally we must say that the
[30:17 - 30:22]
university ceases to exist as a unit of time. We no longer must think of the
[30:22 - 30:27]
university as a place where you geographically go into at a particular moment in life and then
[30:27 - 30:32]
geographically leave at another moment in life and begin to do something else to produce that must
[30:32 - 30:37]
be a race to. You are continually relate to people. Society must be
[30:37 - 30:41]
continually in relationship with the university. It must be continually receiving from its
[30:41 - 30:46]
university and giving to its university it must. Life will have to become a balance between
[30:46 - 30:51]
learning and doing because you can't do for a very long time before your learning ceases
[30:51 - 30:56]
ceases to be adequate any longer due to the technological advance and consequently you must be.
[30:56 - 31:01]
We must change this concept that we leave the university. We ought never to leave it we ought never to leave
[31:01 - 31:06]
learning. And so consequently this is a whole new concept which we must introduce into the
[31:06 - 31:11]
social structure. All I can ask of of industry and
[31:11 - 31:16]
communications people in general is to try and help solve what I see as the
[31:16 - 31:19]
major dilemma that universities have ever self or face.
[31:19 - 31:19]
[31:19 - 31:28]
[31:28 - 31:35]
Thank you the interview. There are few more seats available in front here if anybody would like to come up
[31:35 - 31:40]
here. Well obviously there is a need
[31:40 - 31:45]
for increased communications for increased facilities and services. How
[31:45 - 31:47]
can industry help.
[31:47 - 31:52]
What does industry require from the educational community to enable them to provide
[31:52 - 31:57]
simpler more economical equipment that does a more
[31:57 - 32:02]
complex job. What other services can industry provide
[32:02 - 32:11]
for members of the panel who have been serving the educational community.
[32:11 - 32:17]
Stock up in advance.
[32:17 - 32:22]
Well since basically I'm involved in the storage
[32:22 - 32:27]
of information the dissemination of information. I'll
[32:27 - 32:32]
restrict my comments to that at the moment. We feel that
[32:32 - 32:38]
there has to be a better means of storing the
[32:38 - 32:41]
information and making it readily accessible.
[32:41 - 32:44]
We have heard from previously that.
[32:44 - 32:50]
We've heard previously that the information is increasing at a rapid rate
[32:50 - 32:58]
and that there must be better means of disseminating this.
[32:58 - 33:02]
We are looking at a system in the future that will allow people
[33:02 - 33:07]
to have perhaps a monitor the availability of
[33:07 - 33:12]
dialing up a specific piece of information and reading this on a
[33:12 - 33:13]
[33:13 - 33:18]
This is called a video file system.
[33:18 - 33:27]
And this would allow the industry to.
[33:27 - 33:32]
I'm sure this would allow the industry to help the educator
[33:32 - 33:37]
in disseminating this information. You could then receive a hard file
[33:37 - 33:42]
copy. You know this along with us we feel that we should be able to
[33:42 - 33:46]
assist the educator in the distribution of programming to make
[33:46 - 33:52]
better use of the educator along with
[33:52 - 33:53]
[33:53 - 33:57]
We hope to come up with cheaper and better
[33:57 - 34:03]
video recorders. I think this is the
[34:03 - 34:06]
contribution that we can make in the storage area.
[34:06 - 34:22]
Next we'll hear from George Callahan of banking take.
[34:22 - 34:27]
I guess is all of you. I'm amazed to hear the kind
[34:27 - 34:31]
of dollars and cents quoted him Miles I'm sure you
[34:31 - 34:36]
have tossed out here. You consider the fantastic
[34:36 - 34:43]
expenditure at the University of California and then
[34:43 - 34:47]
I think about my own company and I think this
[34:47 - 34:54]
I want to get this in perspective and it leads up to a very basic point in the way we
[34:54 - 34:59]
are thinking about how we can assist education.
[34:59 - 35:04]
Each year the Bell System as your valley well-aware least each year for the past five
[35:04 - 35:08]
years is spent well over three billion dollars a year
[35:08 - 35:13]
to keep up with and grow with the demands for
[35:13 - 35:21]
communications. Three and a half billion dollars.
[35:21 - 35:25]
I believe that the total Bell System plan now is
[35:25 - 35:31]
valued somewhere around 30 billion dollars that I put out for them
[35:31 - 35:33]
[35:33 - 35:39]
This causes us to direct our efforts
[35:39 - 35:45]
primarily to find ways and means by which
[35:45 - 35:49]
we can use this particular facility this plant to the
[35:49 - 35:52]
utmost efficiency.
[35:52 - 35:57]
One more thing to get this in the perspective all of us have seen the introduction
[35:57 - 36:02]
of picture phone in the last year and a half. A
[36:02 - 36:06]
device which certainly harbors tremendous things to education
[36:06 - 36:11]
someday. Just last week I heard one of
[36:11 - 36:16]
our engineers put this baby in the perspective however he
[36:16 - 36:21]
pointed out that with today's know how
[36:21 - 36:26]
in picture phone type communications to achieve a
[36:26 - 36:31]
development of one per cent of our subscribers with picture phone service
[36:31 - 36:37]
would cost us many many times more in our total
[36:37 - 36:40]
plant than we already have invested after building our plant for 80 years.
[36:40 - 36:47]
1 percent so there isn't a whole lot of
[36:47 - 36:51]
point in putting all our efforts in that area although it's something that has to be
[36:51 - 36:56]
developed and that's why you will see every time the Bell
[36:56 - 37:01]
System has an exhibit or presentation we try to keep finding
[37:01 - 37:06]
and showing ways to use today's technology in Jim brings us
[37:06 - 37:11]
out when he points out that the important thing is in our opinion that
[37:11 - 37:16]
too many educators today don't even think of this fantastic
[37:16 - 37:20]
tool. The telephone which is capable of connecting
[37:20 - 37:26]
people to people or people to machines or machines to machines anywhere
[37:26 - 37:31]
and almost to the point anywhere in the world but certainly anywhere in this country.
[37:31 - 37:36]
On a basis that you can turn it off and turn on when you when you want it
[37:36 - 37:41]
you can select out of 75 or 80 million
[37:41 - 37:47]
locations specifically where you want to go for the
[37:47 - 37:50]
information you're after. And I know that
[37:50 - 37:56]
many manufacturers are now devoting their efforts to the development of
[37:56 - 38:01]
better input and output devices and some within certain
[38:01 - 38:06]
areas the Bell System is doing this to a Course specifically in the teletype writer
[38:06 - 38:11]
development because these are the kinds of things we think that will make
[38:11 - 38:16]
the video file since Dan has already mentioned that
[38:16 - 38:21]
and the other computer facilities whether General Electric or IBM or anybody else is
[38:21 - 38:26]
available to everybody whether they are teachers in a
[38:26 - 38:31]
classroom whether they are graduate students working out in the Cape Kennedy trying to
[38:31 - 38:35]
keep up with this technological obsolescence or fight technological
[38:35 - 38:40]
obsolescence or whether it's you or I in the office
[38:40 - 38:46]
or as was touched upon in this morning's presentation it's this
[38:46 - 38:51]
great mass of people who are going to be living in our country in the next
[38:51 - 38:56]
decades who range from 65 years and up who need to get
[38:56 - 39:01]
this access right in their own living room. And so this is the direction of
[39:01 - 39:09]
one major direction that we've been working and the other thing I would like to touch on briefly.
[39:09 - 39:13]
We feel that the biggest problem of all of the Bell System is
[39:13 - 39:18]
had in working with the education community has been not really
[39:18 - 39:23]
understanding the educators and their objectives.
[39:23 - 39:27]
And so in the last two years our major efforts in the
[39:27 - 39:32]
sales area of the Gulf operating companies has
[39:32 - 39:37]
been to select train and
[39:37 - 39:42]
give experience to education market specialists people who
[39:42 - 39:47]
would become familiar with the educators goals and objectives whether they're
[39:47 - 39:51]
talking about school systems parochial or public where they're talking about
[39:51 - 39:56]
college postgraduate level but people who would be able to go in and sit down and work with
[39:56 - 40:01]
educators and be able to translate their objectives and demands
[40:01 - 40:05]
into meaningful communications systems that can be sold to date
[40:05 - 40:09]
and feedback to AT&T and the Bell Laboratories
[40:09 - 40:15]
directional guidance as to what needs to be developed to meet these
[40:15 - 40:17]
educational objectives.
[40:17 - 40:18]
Thank you.
[40:18 - 40:34]
Next speaker will be Alan Lange of General Electric.
[40:34 - 40:39]
Q What I can tell you is easy feels rather
[40:39 - 40:44]
strange for a person of engineering training to be in an educational area and
[40:44 - 40:48]
I'm not too sure at this point in life what I can contribute except more confusion
[40:48 - 40:56]
perhaps a contribution at the General Electric company could make someday
[40:56 - 41:00]
within this puzzle would be an outgrowth of the diversity of the
[41:00 - 41:05]
areas that the firm works in. In my own particular case
[41:05 - 41:10]
my role for the firm is allegedly to plan the directions and the
[41:10 - 41:16]
hardware to come out of these efforts for the diverse users.
[41:16 - 41:21]
And I'm afraid I can do nothing to make you feel more comfortable with your problems
[41:21 - 41:27]
and to be perfectly honest I can only really add to them. When you talk about
[41:27 - 41:32]
educational communications it became apparent to
[41:32 - 41:37]
me rather early in the game that one is not talking about a problem but a
[41:37 - 41:42]
family of problems much akin to those that television faced early in its
[41:42 - 41:46]
life here in this country and from an engineer's eye
[41:46 - 41:51]
they problems seem to be one in which you have a
[41:51 - 41:56]
need for distribution of information from a
[41:56 - 42:01]
single source to a multiplicity of receptors possibly a professor to
[42:01 - 42:05]
a class or a I'm not well versed in the title
[42:05 - 42:10]
structure of academia but at the next level of knowledge down
[42:10 - 42:13]
to the lower levels of knowledge.
[42:13 - 42:18]
Conversely you have a requirement for communication systems in the
[42:18 - 42:23]
inverse direction but generally one would classify these as information
[42:23 - 42:27]
retrieval systems. This is a need for the learning or to
[42:27 - 42:33]
gain access to this wealth of information that's been generated over the ages and
[42:33 - 42:38]
presumably stored indexed and filed somewhere within those to
[42:38 - 42:42]
cause those we have a requirement of permanence and transience natured information.
[42:42 - 42:48]
And then of course the last well not the last problem but another problem is
[42:48 - 42:52]
communication between the different strata. On a parallel level
[42:52 - 42:59]
the generation of information within this structure is
[42:59 - 43:02]
only a very small part of the problem.
[43:02 - 43:06]
The most rigorous problem facing the industry today is really a
[43:06 - 43:12]
distribution problem. And I submit to you that there is no one answer.
[43:12 - 43:17]
It is too easy to fall into the.
[43:17 - 43:22]
Easy way out. The simplified solution. An area of thinking
[43:22 - 43:27]
in which you probe the problem superficially and while a light strikes
[43:27 - 43:32]
you have the answer to all the problems it isn't solved any more than it's
[43:32 - 43:37]
true for any other facet of life. What we are talking about here is trying to
[43:37 - 43:42]
generate for you people a family of tools and leave it up to
[43:42 - 43:46]
you which tool you apply in a given circumstance. It may be a
[43:46 - 43:51]
crude analogy but probably the best one that an engineer would think of is
[43:51 - 43:56]
the tool kit of a machinist he has a broad spectrum of highly precise
[43:56 - 44:01]
tools and then he exercises the intelligent judgement of which one
[44:01 - 44:06]
to apply in any given circumstance and the quality of the output is then
[44:06 - 44:10]
a direct function of the quality of his judgment and not the limitation of the tools.
[44:10 - 44:18]
I submit to you that probably the only way this problem will ever be
[44:18 - 44:23]
solved is if you in the educational world will take upon yourselves the
[44:23 - 44:28]
burden of educating a new generation of specialist
[44:28 - 44:33]
who are trained in engineering technology and education.
[44:33 - 44:39]
My background in engineering alone leaves me lost in a morass. The people
[44:39 - 44:44]
I talk to who are trained in education only have great difficulty
[44:44 - 44:49]
in communicating to me what their needs and requirements are. If you
[44:49 - 44:53]
can but generate that class of individual which can live in both
[44:53 - 44:58]
worlds taught both languages with equal facility then and
[44:58 - 45:02]
only then do you stand any possible chance of getting what you need
[45:02 - 45:06]
[45:06 - 45:06]
[45:06 - 45:28]
Thank you out our last speaker will be Dick Poole and.
[45:28 - 45:32]
I think that our mission is a little different in the Litton Educational Systems
[45:32 - 45:37]
Division. The mission is to. In our
[45:37 - 45:42]
office the Office of learning resources to design and provide
[45:42 - 45:46]
curricula for the youngsters in the Job Corps
[45:46 - 45:51]
program. And I would like to start with a few figures
[45:51 - 45:56]
also just to back up a moment that it's estimated that the production and distribution of
[45:56 - 46:01]
knowledge in the United States. This is the total power takes up about
[46:01 - 46:06]
26 percent of our gross national product.
[46:06 - 46:11]
And it seems to me that one thing that is required at this
[46:11 - 46:14]
time more than anything else is for.
[46:14 - 46:20]
University people in industry to get together and to plan what they're going to
[46:20 - 46:25]
do I don't think we can continue to do
[46:25 - 46:30]
research and to provide our courses in what
[46:30 - 46:35]
not on a random basis. I mean I think things have to be planned because there is
[46:35 - 46:39]
really too much to do. And we're finding this out
[46:39 - 46:45]
in the Job Corps and there are a number of things that we have to do we have
[46:45 - 46:49]
to work with a number of youngsters who are culturally deprived
[46:49 - 46:54]
and weak. There are lives and huge gaps of
[46:54 - 46:59]
of and huge that look who and I in their training and we have
[46:59 - 47:04]
to back up and we have to provide really
[47:04 - 47:09]
basic. Knowledge for example
[47:09 - 47:14]
basic knowledge such as How do you read a newspaper. How do you spend your money. What is
[47:14 - 47:19]
transportation. I mean how do you behave on a bus or an airplane.
[47:19 - 47:24]
What is this world I mean where is Paris where is San Francisco. We
[47:24 - 47:29]
have to talk about basic rights and responsibilities we have to talk about food and
[47:29 - 47:33]
health and we find for example at this time its
[47:33 - 47:38]
almost impossible to find anything for the 16 to 21 year old class
[47:38 - 47:43]
and we have so many programs that are just repetitions of others so
[47:43 - 47:50]
I think that we need to set up possibly regional learning
[47:50 - 47:54]
resources centers within communities things like
[47:54 - 47:59]
extensions of the Job Corps where young dropouts and
[47:59 - 48:02]
culturally deprive youth will be able to go to
[48:02 - 48:09]
make up for the local in a in a train.
[48:09 - 48:11]
To a.
[48:11 - 48:21]
But we've heard some of the things that industry is doing to meet the needs of the
[48:21 - 48:26]
educational community in terms of communications and information handling the
[48:26 - 48:28]
[48:28 - 48:33]
We have a few minutes left and there may be questions from the audience directed any specific member of the
[48:33 - 48:36]
panel like
[48:36 - 48:42]
[48:42 - 48:52]
[48:52 - 48:56]
I'm not really sure I know all HOWARD Well about in the end
[48:56 - 49:02]
I would suggest to you as a starting point. If you could
[49:02 - 49:07]
possibly arrange an educational program in which the basic
[49:07 - 49:12]
formal education in both areas could be presented to an individual
[49:12 - 49:18]
he then might be able to provide you with the information as
[49:18 - 49:23]
to what he needs to go further. I am personally
[49:23 - 49:27]
very. I was once said. I guess Neil is a best friends I have no
[49:27 - 49:33]
knowledge in the area of teaching or presenting education to other people.
[49:33 - 49:38]
My training is all engineering. If you can break
[49:38 - 49:42]
down that kind of specialization in the educational realm
[49:42 - 49:48]
not only for these needs I mean it goes much deeper than that in medicine the problem is even more
[49:48 - 49:52]
acute. But if you can give the person with a rudiments of formal education in both
[49:52 - 49:57]
areas he then can tell you where to go from there. Get into this
[49:57 - 49:58]
[49:58 - 50:03]
I think that this is this interface problem that the phrase from our
[50:03 - 50:07]
engineering friends it seems to me that the universities have to
[50:07 - 50:12]
provide this sort of an interface. They have to provide someone who is at least familiar enough
[50:12 - 50:17]
with the tools to know that they exist and yet who is
[50:17 - 50:22]
recognized and respected on on their own local campus so that
[50:22 - 50:27]
they can talk in this educational community perhaps who smart enough to
[50:27 - 50:33]
realize that maybe he doesn't know the methodology and he certainly doesn't know the subject matter.
[50:33 - 50:38]
But he's a he is this interface and it seems to me that our industry friends have to do the same
[50:38 - 50:42]
thing. They've got to provide a mate who knows enough about
[50:42 - 50:47]
education. But he was thoroughly recognised and respected
[50:47 - 50:52]
within that company framework so that now you have some way for
[50:52 - 50:56]
these people to really communicate and granted you're going through
[50:56 - 51:01]
several human black boxes if you will in order to get from one
[51:01 - 51:06]
place to the other. But I don't we just aren't on the same wavelength. There's no way for us all to
[51:06 - 51:10]
get on the same wave and we've got to have these interfaces somewhere along the line makes
[51:10 - 51:12]
me think.
[51:12 - 51:21]
I feel very strongly about I'm sure we all do you feel you've hit a very hot nail right on the head.
[51:21 - 51:26]
I think that our engineering brothers are being are being far too
[51:26 - 51:27]
gentle with us.
[51:27 - 51:32]
I think that they have. They are what they are willing to say we don't
[51:32 - 51:37]
understand you because we can't we cannot define you or me we cannot work
[51:37 - 51:41]
with your needs because we can't understand the definitions of your needs. That's
[51:41 - 51:46]
assuming that we can define them that we even know what our needs are. And we do not. This is a
[51:46 - 51:51]
critical factor in it from the point of view of the engineer we other
[51:51 - 51:56]
sloppiest kinds of people we can't even define our our. We can't even define our subject
[51:56 - 52:00]
matter to say the least of the fine our needs. We don't know what's a good way to educate people we don't know even we
[52:00 - 52:05]
don't we can't even if I were trying to do to educate them. We sort of automatically think in
[52:05 - 52:10]
terms of getting across knowledge to them. We're not interested in that that's not education. That's
[52:10 - 52:14]
trivia. We want to teach them how to think. But what do you mean by that. I haven't but I mean
[52:14 - 52:21]
I have no idea how to go about doing it. So how can we conceivably a problem before. I would say
[52:21 - 52:26]
before we even worry about interfaces we we have to get some sort of order in our
[52:26 - 52:30]
house so that we can talk to people who under who have order in their houses like the
[52:30 - 52:31]
[52:31 - 52:43]
If I may let me let me try to give you a small appreciation of the problem.
[52:43 - 52:48]
Engineering as opposed to science is a compromise art..
[52:48 - 52:53]
The engineers only reason for existence is to weigh the alternatives
[52:53 - 52:58]
choose among the technology available to accomplish a specific task and
[52:58 - 53:03]
theoretically make the wisest choice considering technology economics
[53:03 - 53:08]
time and need. Now that's like being a Solomon
[53:08 - 53:13]
and I'm not adequate to the task I assure you. But to make
[53:13 - 53:18]
compromise judgements one must be versed in the factors that bear on the choice.
[53:18 - 53:22]
We need information from you. An engineer is used to
[53:22 - 53:28]
approaching his problem stipulating its boundaries in mathematical terms
[53:28 - 53:33]
and running to a solution and in some fields this is carried to an art where you get lazy you push a few
[53:33 - 53:37]
buttons and the machine does the work for you but unless you establish the boundaries
[53:37 - 53:42]
and unless you establish the directions in which the growth is to occur
[53:42 - 53:44]
where dead in the water.
[53:44 - 53:53]
I'd like to make a comment along this line. Typically
[53:53 - 53:59]
industry does not understand your problems and basically we come
[53:59 - 54:04]
up with you quite much with machines capability
[54:04 - 54:10]
and we show you this equipment and you say it's great. What do we do with it.
[54:10 - 54:14]
And we say well don't we don't know when to use it. And that's
[54:14 - 54:19]
why we have to have better communications in the future but we need each
[54:19 - 54:24]
other so that we do plan the equipment for specific uses not come up
[54:24 - 54:27]
with a piece of equipment and say Here it is. How do you use it.
[54:27 - 54:42]
You live here caters science
[54:42 - 54:46]
educators for that life. Well you
[54:46 - 54:55]
replied looking for your life back.
[54:55 - 55:00]
Yet there's no exchange. There may be something that was a
[55:00 - 55:06]
reservoir of nolo that not only young people want to
[55:06 - 55:10]
give direction for the same guy may be
[55:10 - 55:15]
a void and everything would be nice somehow or other is
[55:15 - 55:20]
a type of communication. Oh is this really
[55:20 - 55:25]
that mission of your life
[55:25 - 55:34]
and comment on the world.
[55:34 - 55:39]
Life here how to involve your top administration. This from
[55:39 - 55:46]
University of California really tried to do something about my stand
[55:46 - 55:51]
for having faculty being where their obligation
[55:51 - 55:57]
to society that you taught seems to me have appeared in many meetings where we
[55:57 - 56:02]
all sit around and talk about the need for this but the man who can do
[56:02 - 56:06]
something about it we start the ball rolling in their lives and
[56:06 - 56:15]
I never hear they really do this.
[56:15 - 56:19]
You're darn right of course one has to always
[56:19 - 56:24]
recognize that the faculty to be a faculty member in a
[56:24 - 56:29]
university is probably the most. Well I guess the point of going to
[56:29 - 56:34]
where I can think of is an artistic role that you can
[56:34 - 56:39]
play in our society today. And and I don't mean that I don't mean to use
[56:39 - 56:44]
that term derogatorily even this is a good thing. So that
[56:44 - 56:48]
in the end the administration simply cannot tell the faculty what to do
[56:48 - 56:53]
that they wouldn't have in fact if they did because of the fact they would just leave instead they have 20 million
[56:53 - 56:58]
students they can go to so they can't be told what to do. They cannot be
[56:58 - 57:03]
told what their role shall be. They cannot be told how they should interact with society. All that can
[57:03 - 57:08]
happen. All that the all that the administration can do is indicate the situation
[57:08 - 57:12]
indicate the rule indicate the requests indicate directions that it might like
[57:12 - 57:17]
and hope that there will be within the faculty groups leaders
[57:17 - 57:22]
organizations who will have an attitude to carry it to carry it off in that direction.
[57:22 - 57:27]
But it's not it just simply isn't a business and these are not employees in the sense that
[57:27 - 57:33]
that industry has employees who have whom you can instruct to do things you cannot do that.
[57:33 - 57:38]
So you're right. We have no we have no overall administrative structure
[57:38 - 57:42]
which is neat and definable and operational. But industry does.
[57:42 - 57:48]
But this is also the stream of university so we must not we must not say well that's terrible
[57:48 - 57:52]
let's change things. You know we must not we must leave it the way it is let it be messy
[57:52 - 57:59]
let it be let let let it go off in all directions. That's that's what universities are all about.
[57:59 - 58:04]
So I I deplore with you the problem. But I will not look for the answer in
[58:04 - 58:10]
crystallizing the universities can I get into this for just a minute.
[58:10 - 58:15]
We have we have a research park.
[58:15 - 58:20]
This is you know one way that universities have tried to work with industry.
[58:20 - 58:25]
If you can bring the industrial industrial research yours in
[58:25 - 58:30]
relatively close geographical proximity to the university then your
[58:30 - 58:35]
problems are solved. This just gets it
[58:35 - 58:40]
started. Now you've got somebody out here just a mile away as in our instance with
[58:40 - 58:46]
perfectly good sound engineers and researchers but
[58:46 - 58:50]
who wants to talk to and who do they go and talk to at the university.
[58:50 - 58:57]
Well this is fine in many research parks have fallen on these
[58:57 - 59:02]
rocks. People move in become disillusioned and everything goes haywire.
[59:02 - 59:07]
The way we've tried to solve it is by another interface if you will with
[59:07 - 59:12]
a group. Residing in this area who are.
[59:12 - 59:17]
Conversant with the university faculty and know and who can for a
[59:17 - 59:22]
fee. We're back to this again. Hire individuals
[59:22 - 59:27]
on that faculty to work with this group up here that is now in residence.
[59:27 - 59:32]
Well needless to say you don't have this for very long before they start to spread out because not
[59:32 - 59:37]
everybody can come in and build a building in the research park. There are other smaller industries that need the same sort
[59:37 - 59:42]
of service and so the first thing you know is in our particular instance they're serving
[59:42 - 59:47]
more people outside the research park than they are in. But again it's an interface
[59:47 - 59:52]
that somebody who can go and study their problems come back and match it up with what they know about the
[59:52 - 59:56]
university. Go tap the guy or the group who can help
[59:56 - 60:01]
solve this specific problem for this specific industry. And I
[60:01 - 60:06]
bet you can't get away from these interface. I just
[60:06 - 60:08]
got to exist in some form.
[60:08 - 60:20]
I don't interact with them so I'd like to throw just one small point in here.
[60:20 - 60:25]
Sometimes we get so enamored about talking about that great system in the sky
[60:25 - 60:31]
that's going to solve all these problems. And it's important that we keep our eye on this objective.
[60:31 - 60:35]
But it seems to me and to my colleagues that you've got to
[60:35 - 60:40]
begin. And in this respect our hats are off to the end E.B.
[60:40 - 60:46]
ECF committee educational Communications Services Committee systems committee
[60:46 - 60:51]
because it appears to us at least it's another beginning.
[60:51 - 60:56]
It's something that can be done to utilize today some things which are available today
[60:56 - 61:01]
that will do some good tomorrow without waiting until
[61:01 - 61:07]
we figure out how to build a bridge across the Grand Canyon. There are a lot of things that can be done.
[61:07 - 61:11]
There are some real opportunities I believe if the.
[61:11 - 61:17]
Industrial representatives will get out and play that catalytic role with the
[61:17 - 61:22]
universities to bring together universities and it's like one small example. One of our
[61:22 - 61:26]
people in a big Midwestern city visited
[61:26 - 61:31]
just to introduce himself to the president of one of the universities in his town
[61:31 - 61:37]
and touched on some of the things which we can do today in the area of
[61:37 - 61:41]
sharing facilities through communications.
[61:41 - 61:46]
And the Dean interrupted and he said there is a meeting going on in the next room right now of a
[61:46 - 61:51]
committee of my faculty who have been meeting for three years
[61:51 - 61:56]
to talk about this and they haven't done anything any talk about the arms that's going to get busy and I think that
[61:56 - 62:01]
this is the kind of role that whether we are engineering oriented or sales or in
[62:01 - 62:05]
or anything else that industry can work with education. We will
[62:05 - 62:10]
learn to understand each other by working with each other. And I don't think anybody is going to be
[62:10 - 62:15]
able to write out a manual on this is how you interface with an educator. You
[62:15 - 62:16]
get me figured out yourself.
[62:16 - 62:26]
If I may say a few words still that Mike and I are innocent as chairman I
[62:26 - 62:31]
think now that the need for communications is growing and
[62:31 - 62:36]
industry recognizes as a market and an area for profitability they're
[62:36 - 62:41]
going to take a more active part in actively seeking out the requirements
[62:41 - 62:46]
of the educator bringing educators into industry taking people who have been
[62:46 - 62:50]
former educators retired people and using their capabilities.
[62:50 - 62:55]
Originally from the industry point of view the market started out. We had
[62:55 - 62:59]
equipment that we sell to other markets that were akin to this one to the commercial
[62:59 - 63:04]
broadcasters as the market opened in the educational field. We shifted
[63:04 - 63:09]
that equipment over. Now we see the need is greater. The
[63:09 - 63:15]
requirements are beginning to be defined and as the market gets
[63:15 - 63:19]
larger industry will do a lot to serve this market
[63:19 - 63:24]
as a market on its own. Now I think I want to thank all the members of the panel. I
[63:24 - 63:28]
think we've had a very interesting discussion and our time just got up.
[63:28 - 63:29]
Thank you.
[63:29 - 63:40]
You all.
[63:40 - 63:45]
I think you heard him. Definitely I felt the other night.
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