British general election 1964 election outcome

[00:05 - 00:09]
This is Sam Pollock in London the British people have voted
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aye in the Returning Officer for Battersea self constituency hereby give notice
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number of votes for each candidate the election was followed.
[00:21 - 00:25]
They need only three thousand two hundred ninety four
[00:25 - 00:32]
range consumer task six hundred fifteen. Any joy
[00:32 - 00:36]
which Labor 12000.
[00:36 - 00:41]
That is the size changes its member of parliament a Conservative seat
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falls to labor it was the first of many which changed hands to give the Labor Party
[00:46 - 00:51]
a tiny majority in the next parliament and to confirm Harold Wilson as the British
[00:51 - 00:56]
people's choice for prime minister. But why did the country vote as it did.
[00:56 - 01:01]
But why did Britain decide to change a Conservative government for a Labor one. But
[01:01 - 01:06]
first a brief comment from an outside observer. Norman Rezin was in
[01:06 - 01:10]
London covering the British election for an American radio network.
[01:10 - 01:15]
Well I think the British people are tired of the way they've been living. After all I live
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among them and I can see how British people live I think. I think they wanted a
[01:20 - 01:24]
change. The cost of living in London and I can only base
[01:24 - 01:28]
my experiences on London. The cost of living is fantastically high.
[01:28 - 01:32]
It's about twice that of the cost of living in New York
[01:32 - 01:39]
and one man who's been in the middle of the campaign right from the start and who runs one of the
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public opinion polls which so accurately forecast the result is Henry Duran and
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they director of The Daily Telegraph Gallup poll. He talked to Bernard power.
[01:49 - 01:53]
It seems that local issues have played a
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very considerable part. We've heard for instance of the increased labor
[01:59 - 02:03]
swing in those areas suffered unemployment two years
[02:03 - 02:08]
ago generally speaking what would you say have been the key issues
[02:08 - 02:13]
for the electorate this time. The things where
[02:13 - 02:19]
education first. First time ever. First time ever in my experience
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that education has played a political role in this election.
[02:24 - 02:28]
Housing for about one in six housing has been an
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exceedingly small point and if there is any single problem that's cause the conservatives to
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go down to defeat as it looks as though they're going to it's housing as I would say is the single
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greatest issue but will the fact that they Labor majority is so
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small make a firm government difficult or even impossible.
[02:49 - 02:53]
Donnelly granted Williams asked two men who watched parliament over the last few Yes
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Richard Marsh a Young Labor Member of Parliament and Childers experience
[02:58 - 03:03]
political journalist who had this to say about the difficulties of small majorities.
[03:03 - 03:09]
Well I think the obvious difficulty is the general one of the atmosphere that's
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projected into the country by this kind of slender majority if you have month
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after month after month of reports you know of intensive how
[03:18 - 03:23]
dressing of a government by a large opposition narrow majorities on
[03:23 - 03:28]
bills reported obviously this is Dilla tears but it's perfectly possible to proceed
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with orderly government on the basis of a small majority and probably easier
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now than it was shall we say 20 years ago for a number of reasons
[03:38 - 03:42]
to matter can I talk to you here and don't ask you to take up that blanket Aeschines just
[03:42 - 03:45]
made as a member of parliament.
[03:45 - 03:50]
Well the last really small majority we had was between 1950 to 51
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when the Labor Party then had a majority of six. Now that was a terribly
[03:55 - 03:59]
difficult period. The power of the parliament was kept up all night
[03:59 - 04:04]
long night after night snap votes were taken men were brought in from
[04:04 - 04:09]
hospital and really it did enormous damage to I think the prestige of British Parliament of the
[04:09 - 04:13]
British parliament. For that reason as soon as they took office in 1951
[04:13 - 04:19]
the Conservatives with the agreement of the opposition did in fact change the standing order
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of the House of Commons. The result being that it would not be possible to
[04:23 - 04:28]
hold snap votes to keep the entire house up night after night. You can now
[04:28 - 04:33]
only have for example an all night sitting on certain specified occasions. So
[04:33 - 04:38]
while it would be foolish to underestimate the enormous difficulty of running
[04:38 - 04:43]
an administration with a tiny majority it certainly would be easier
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now than it was in 1951 Aski looking now to the future.
[04:48 - 04:53]
Do you feel that a small majority of this kind
[04:53 - 04:58]
is going to be more difficult for a Labor government than it would have been for a Conservative government
[04:58 - 05:03]
for the reason that I have a governor's lack if you want to make rather more radical moves and
[05:03 - 05:08]
take rather more radical legislative action and this will be more difficult than just carrying on as
[05:08 - 05:09]
[05:09 - 05:13]
Yes I think this is a there's a balance here for. But if the Labor
[05:13 - 05:17]
government were with this small majority were to go ahead shall we say with
[05:17 - 05:22]
immediate and full scale fulfillment of its public
[05:22 - 05:27]
governorship election pledges that say for example on steel and water
[05:27 - 05:31]
this could become difficult on the other hand most of the other
[05:31 - 05:36]
policies of the Labor government are policies where the conservatives might
[05:36 - 05:41]
very well begin to lose public support if they barracked and harassed
[05:41 - 05:46]
too much. People tend to say Well for goodness sake give them a chance give the government a chance.
[05:46 - 05:51]
What's the point in this we don't want another election tomorrow. So it's a very evenly balanced
[05:51 - 05:53]
thing I don't know whether Richard Marsh would agree.
[05:53 - 05:58]
I think this is this is very true and of course for a lot of the you the big
[05:58 - 06:03]
difference is that the conservatives will be in the position of having to vote
[06:03 - 06:06]
against rather than avoid initiating.
[06:06 - 06:11]
Now it's one thing to not bring forward a policy which is perhaps progressive or.
[06:11 - 06:16]
Popular and you can get away with this. It's a very difficult thing as asking childer says to stand up
[06:16 - 06:21]
for example and fight against and take just one domestic example an increase in
[06:21 - 06:26]
old age pensions so that yes it would be difficult for the for
[06:26 - 06:31]
the Labor Party very very difficult but not so difficult. And of course on the other a
[06:31 - 06:36]
wide range of issues the small liberal group with the exception of the nationalization of
[06:36 - 06:41]
steel and nationalization of road haulage on a wide range certainly the range
[06:41 - 06:46]
of a field of foreign policy would be a white measure of agreement between the liberal members and
[06:46 - 06:51]
the socialist members talking about foreign policy asking I'd like to ask you Do you
[06:51 - 06:55]
think that having a government with a very small majority in this country would damage
[06:55 - 07:00]
the seriousness with which people abroad took Britain.
[07:00 - 07:05]
British Government No I don't think so I think. I think this above all is a question
[07:05 - 07:10]
of what one could call the foreign policy leadership. This is the this is the
[07:10 - 07:15]
place where the stature of the prime minister and his foreign secretary the
[07:15 - 07:19]
way they handle crises and the way they handle negotiations the way they
[07:19 - 07:24]
appear before the rest of the world is what counts.
[07:24 - 07:29]
And what then are they new attitudes on foreign policy which the world can expect from a
[07:29 - 07:34]
Labor government and a Labor prime minister. For one side view here again is
[07:34 - 07:36]
Richard Marsh.
[07:36 - 07:41]
Well I think the difference it will make foreign policy really as a quid is a difference of emphasis for
[07:41 - 07:45]
example the British Conservative Party has voted for
[07:45 - 07:51]
the admission of communist China the United Nations Organization a Labor Government
[07:51 - 07:55]
would I hope actively promote the admission of communist China. United
[07:55 - 08:00]
Nations organization in regard to South Africa
[08:00 - 08:05]
and Portugal and some of their policies have been
[08:05 - 08:10]
disapproved of by the British government in the past. This would clearly be
[08:10 - 08:15]
continued on a much more forceful going by the Labor Party. So I think it's really a question of
[08:15 - 08:18]
emphasis rather than any dramatic change of direction.
[08:18 - 08:24]
But what about labor under a developing world. Here we brought Shirley Williams
[08:24 - 08:28]
into the discussion. She is a Labor MP who has specialized on the
[08:28 - 08:33]
economics of the developing world. We asked her about Day Labor governments attitudes to
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aid for developing nations.
[08:36 - 08:41]
Well first it will come to power in a period of serious economic crisis the person and this will
[08:41 - 08:46]
necessarily limit anything it can do. I would have thought one of the named things that we would do
[08:46 - 08:51]
would be to bring in this policy of trying to make any surplus capacity
[08:51 - 08:56]
available as additional aid in addition to what we do already here because this would not affect the
[08:56 - 09:01]
balance of payments. The actual speed at which we can increase able to pend upon how quickly we
[09:01 - 09:03]
can take the economic situation into hand I think.
[09:03 - 09:09]
But I would accept this is the great problem of there are two problems one is this question
[09:09 - 09:14]
of giving aid which at the moment is going to be very difficult to read about in the much bigger
[09:14 - 09:19]
one I think is trying to increase the degree of economic
[09:19 - 09:22]
cooperation between the countries of the Commonwealth.
[09:22 - 09:26]
The Labor Party is committed to and would have a much better effect a much bigger
[09:26 - 09:31]
effect in the long run than merely allotments surveyed the aim of trying to
[09:31 - 09:36]
also bring in bring back the long term contracts for commodities would obviously be a big
[09:36 - 09:41]
help to many countries in Africa because they would then have a stable price for their big
[09:41 - 09:44]
export produce big export product.
[09:44 - 09:49]
And how does Africa welcome the change. David what is a
[09:49 - 09:55]
radio journalist from time going to David Riccati What does this mean for Africa.
[09:55 - 10:00]
Well I think everybody in Africa wanted the Labor Party to win.
[10:00 - 10:05]
Apart from anything else I think 13 years has been rather too long
[10:05 - 10:10]
for one government struggle in this country and I see. We feel
[10:10 - 10:15]
that or at least I feel that there are people in the Labor Party who have quite some
[10:15 - 10:20]
sympathy and they understand the African problems I think.
[10:20 - 10:24]
Over in London from a stranger is radio journalist colonic dollar
[10:24 - 10:31]
in the field said the older Commonwealth member countries such as Australia Canada New
[10:31 - 10:35]
Zealand obviously mixed reaction.
[10:35 - 10:40]
But I think on the issue of for instance of the Common Market
[10:40 - 10:46]
negotiations the Tory image was somewhat tarnished.
[10:46 - 10:51]
There were very strong suggestions that they were determined to get into the common market
[10:51 - 10:56]
with only token gestures to protect Commonwealth trade interests.
[10:56 - 11:01]
The Labor Party which seems to be much more cautious in its approach to
[11:01 - 11:06]
Common Market negotiations and perhaps has no real intention of ever trying to get into the
[11:06 - 11:11]
Common Market. Because of that it's probably more highly regarded
[11:11 - 11:16]
by more primary producers in a number of Commonwealth countries who see their own markets in
[11:16 - 11:21]
Britain being better protected by a Labor government than by a Tory government.
[11:21 - 11:27]
The Canadian Patrick Keatley is Commonwealth correspondent of The Guardian The
[11:27 - 11:31]
Mystic. How do you see Labor's attitude towards the outside world.
[11:31 - 11:36]
Well I must say that the Canadian view is in the top of my mind because here in the
[11:36 - 11:40]
BBC headquarters we've been linked up with countries around the world on these election
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broadcasts and the link to Canada has been what we call a live line and
[11:45 - 11:50]
from the other end political correspondents in Ottawa are friends of mine who I used to work with in the press
[11:50 - 11:55]
gallery there in the House of Commons in Ottawa and I've been saying first and foremost the Common Market is the
[11:55 - 12:00]
thing that matters to Canada with the change of government in Britain and what will be the attitude
[12:00 - 12:05]
of Harold Wilson. Well it does appear Wilson has committed himself to Wilson going out on a
[12:05 - 12:10]
limb. He has said that he does not propose to enter negotiations on the
[12:10 - 12:15]
terms that we saw. Under the Macmillan government so for the moment that appears to
[12:15 - 12:19]
be closed off we Canadians are certainly anxious because a great number of Canadian products
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selling here on the British market where in grave jeopardy and that of course is a
[12:24 - 12:29]
situation repeated in many Commonwealth countries. Basically their primary products
[12:29 - 12:34]
that would be affected and that for the moment that seems that situation seems to
[12:34 - 12:39]
be assured for the Commonwealth producers. We do expect I think to see
[12:39 - 12:44]
and hear I'm looking as a correspondent in London looking at the Commonwealth countries as a whole. We do expect to
[12:44 - 12:49]
see the poorer countries if you like the Southern tropical countries getting a bigger
[12:49 - 12:54]
break under the Labor Party. Mr. Wilson has pledged himself to do this to give
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their products the maximum access to Europe and in particular to stabilize the prices to give them
[12:59 - 13:03]
some sort of long term guarantee something they can make their plans on because
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plantations agricultural produce you need to be able to make long term plans.
[13:08 - 13:12]
And here up till now under the Tories It's been a case of yearly annual fluctuations in
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markets or even shorter periods and that the men whom the British people have chosen
[13:17 - 13:22]
as prime minister has got his plate full of problems. The
[13:22 - 13:28]
election was a tough fight. The government will be a lot tougher.
[13:28 - 13:33]
And that was the BBC report on the British general election. This is Sam
[13:33 - 13:38]
Pollack in London. This is the National Education already on at
[13:38 - 13:38]
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