The next fifty years Episode 11: Context of the Future...Youth, Tech, reel 1

[00:21 - 00:26]
Thank. You.
[00:26 - 00:26]
Thank you.
[00:26 - 01:15]
Science they ice technology the urban environment
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well see rapid change during the next 50 years. National
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Educational radio presents a series of programs expressing a variety of opinion
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on the future of the democratic environment. Theys it was were given at the 50th
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year conference of the American Institute of planners held in Washington in October of last
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year and attendance was any our public affairs director
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Bill Greenwood.
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This is number 11 in our series of 13 programs dealing with the future
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environment of this democracy. Over the weeks this series has brought you the
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voices and policy recommendations of men concerned with the future. Experts
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in their fields through long years of experience but policy recommendations
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for the next half century will only be implemented by the youthful members of the planning
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community. This program is devoted to the ideas of a few of the younger
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experts in the field of planning. They'll be giving particular attention to the
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underdeveloped areas of the world and in contrast this week's
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closing statement comes from an elder statesman in planning Buckminster Fuller.
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First this week representing youth and planning is a young woman whose chief
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concerns are with the people of underdeveloped areas and harnessing the
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latent energies of those people. Seems to be a specialty of banned Schran
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teacher and writer. Mr. Franz participation in the Peace Corps has
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taken her to South America. She's been associated with the enter American student
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projects in Mexico and here at home ish Rand has been involved in
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similar work as a teacher in the Harlem ghetto. It's this background and a
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talent for the sensitive communication that qualifies this young teacher to
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discuss the hope there is in people. Here's Miss Ann
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[03:08 - 03:14]
To discuss the theme the hope there is and people is really quite
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complex. And yet in a sense to me very simple
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so simply it embodies recognition or
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awareness in people themselves of their responsibilities
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and their dignity. And in a word I think this sums it up. But I'll
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continue to explain what I mean in the
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process of development really whether it's in this country or from what I've seen
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overseas. I think all of us hold an image of
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ourselves. We have an image which helps us to relate
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to the world around us and to understand it to name ourselves.
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I think that when we work in development it's important that we
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understand this and the people that we work with obviously were aware
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of the image we hold because we feel free to export
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or to impose many times the ideas that we hold.
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If there is hope if hope in people is to be realized. We
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must keep this idea in mind because it implies and
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demands that we accept diversity. We
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must I think come to the point that we understand and have the
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maturity to deal with diversity and appreciate it
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and to foster it. We must allow people the people we
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deal with. And again I reiterate whether there are people in this country or whether there are
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people in the developing countries to speak for themselves and of
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themselves too often when we go into programs of aid or
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development we're all too eager to impose our own mistakes. And then
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we react with shock and horror at the monsters we create. I
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think that technology is a marvelous tool but too frequently
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we've forgotten that we've created it ourselves that it's not some
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Thurber dog that's been plopped on our doorstep staring at us.
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But really our own creation and something that should serve us not
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something that we should be subservient to. In the process
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of using technology and using developmental tools. I
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go back to this idea of imagery and diversity of
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the tool. I think that we must use in employing these ideas is
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dialogue. Dialogue implies listening.
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Far too frequently we're still prone to go in with monologue in
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point of fact we're talking to ourselves in point of fact we
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don't hear or see the other party. The great numbers
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of people in developing countries and in developing areas in this country have
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quite a bit to say to us. It's one fact that I've learned in the teaching
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profession actually no one ever teaches anyone anything. We
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teach ourselves. People that we deal with
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know and understand their surroundings. They
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experience the conflict and the strains of being there.
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Likewise they experience the conflict and strains of conversion when change
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takes place. We have to understand this
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in terms of a country. I am afraid that many times we don't particularly when we're
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seeing as we do today bombs waltz and impose
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democracy. I think that again
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it's because we view the process of development as unilateral.
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And when the programs that we enunciate and one the
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programs that we impose on others don't succeed to far too frequently.
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We tend to fall back on cliches or crude
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statements about the people that we're dealing with that they're lazy or they're stupid.
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I don't think it's this way. Perhaps it's saying something about ourselves that we're still holding
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monologue and we're talking of ourselves. We're the ones who don't see it
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and the people for their part are reinforced in their frustrations and their negative impressions that
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they've held for many many years. There are many countries in the world today where my
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people of my generation are growing up and defining themselves in terms of opposition
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to us for no other reason than the fact that we've refused to
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listen if we're to achieve a productive in a complementary
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[08:07 - 08:12]
We've got to evaporate some of the persistent and damaging mists which
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exist. We have to place in Phasis
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on the energy and the tenacity in survival that the people we're dealing with
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possess. I'm not advocating that we romanticize.
[08:26 - 08:31]
But on the other hand I'm definitely not advocating that we impose the image we hold of
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ourselves upon people that we deal with this kind of a refusal
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to confront the situations we find ourselves in and only pollutes
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the possibility of any communication and deflects the advance of all of us
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towards integration and complementary existence.
[08:50 - 09:00]
I think that when we're speaking of the development in this country
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and the development we hope to take we hope to see take place in other countries. We
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should be cognizant of the sharp conflicts and difficulties which arise
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in an area or many areas which truly are just coming in to
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us. Well I guess I would go back on what's been said before the idea of a bronze age
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existing next to the electronic age. Because truly the more we
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advance in many ways the more we have widened the distance that exists between us.
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If we've conquered geographical distances We've widened Extremely
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the differences in mentality differences and ways of organization and differences and ways of
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life. These conflicts can
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only be remediated when we take time to turn
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inwards to ourself and listen. Because in many ways
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the conflicts that we see illustrated on a geographic or in
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a material sense are conflicts which perhaps exist in ourselves
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throughout the week we've listened to problems or people discuss problems that we're facing in
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this country. The most advanced or one of the most advanced in the world and perhaps
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the difficulty is that
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as we ourselves are struggling to become new men with the creations that we have about us
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we haven't yet learned how to integrate the forces we have with the human
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qualities which we've come to recognize without destroying one of the other.
[10:34 - 10:41]
So not to go on at too great length. I'd like to again
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emphasize that if there is hope it rests in
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ourselves and in our awareness and willingness to assume the responsibility that
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we have ahead of us. I'd like
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to just give a few statements of people I've worked with in the past few
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years the bare this out. One of my
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colleagues in Africa said in Africa I had glimpses into a
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culture which was so strange and alien that I was incredibly frightened. This cracked
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open my sights before anything I didn't understand was on Real
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and I found I could do nothing with the people unless I accepted their code. So I
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learned to develop a much broader line of action based on pragmatic
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terms in addition to former moral principles.
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The scope of action was broadened and certain old moral codes changed.
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Another said you learn to appreciate and realize the
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benefit of process. In other words it's not perhaps the goal that you set out
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for. That is your measure. But what is happening in the
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process. Another stated and I think very well
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I do and will say were the diversity of events that take place. I have to keep
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things loose. This is an encounter with an imperfect reality. The
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approach I had to learn was not one of rejecting but of accepting an imperfect
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reality and not working on it but with it.
[12:16 - 12:22]
Failures are due to lack of knowledge and I had to learn to empathize and I
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learned the ability to understand and so I think I could
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repeat on statements that many others have made. Again I think
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this is a factor that we have to keep in mind. We're going to be called on more and more in the coming
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years. People need the help that we can offer. But it will it will be really of
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no avail at all if we don't have the capacity to turn inwards and first of all
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understand ourselves and what we're saying. And secondly listen to what others
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are saying to us. If we're able to do this I think that we can come to a very fruitful
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relationship one that will benefit both. Obviously there's not going to be much
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benefit at all if we're living in a so-called global village. While one sector is
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far behind the other. Alternately
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there is hope and people there's a great deal of hope and the expectations that
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we hold for greater understanding meaningful development and fuller human life.
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This is the hope that being human the quality of being human implies
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flowing from this is the hope that we can hold in ourselves to achieve these goals.
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This is the hope that we hold as a result of the possibilities open to us
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and our awareness of them. If we were to go away from this conference
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with any real possibilities I think we really have to question
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deeply whether we understand what we're saying and if we do. I
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think you will see a realisation of hope that we hold
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today. Thank you.
[13:58 - 14:04]
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A teacher and writer and Schran stressing the importance of
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understanding the self-image of underdeveloped people. It's Miss Schrans view that
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this understanding is the key to helping these people help themselves.
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National Educational radio is bringing you another in a special series on the future
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needs of society in the democratic world. Our speakers are men and women
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whose task it is to plan for the future environment in the next 50
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years. Environmental changes are of course of particular
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importance in underdeveloped areas. If improvements are to take place
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and technology has its role but as we'll learn there is dissenting
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opinion on how large the role of technology can be in underdeveloped
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parts of the world. The discussion begins with the young Italian architect
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designer Mr. Salvatore knows impressive
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educational accomplishments include a doctor's degree in architecture from the
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University of Florence and a Fulbright scholarship to Georgia Tech.
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Most of Mr Severino his research has been in prefabrication and the
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simplified design of building components. Mr Severino solutions for the
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problems of the underdeveloped world involve a major application of
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technology and following his remarks. The opposite view to solving the
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same problem will come from John Turner but now with his ideas
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on technology and the underdeveloped world.
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Here is architect designer Renato Severino a few months
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ago a group of journalists in Africa to some African
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leaders see how long it would take to solve the problems of developing countries.
[15:57 - 16:02]
Somebody from the African side said 20 years somebody
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else 50 years you know and I think that it would
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be on its side and the African side then agreed about that to at least a 50 yes
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it would be necessary to to get to certain.
[16:17 - 16:22]
Developing point. But at such a moment
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an African step out and ask.
[16:24 - 16:32]
But do you think European and up to 50 years would be
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enough for you to think of us as
[16:37 - 16:42]
human beings like you are. This is the main
[16:42 - 16:47]
problem. The problems of today comes from the antithesis of
[16:47 - 16:48]
[16:48 - 16:51]
Developing countries.
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Millions and millions of people of New emergency society hospital
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all over the world and they are fighting for better living. They are
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fighting a few blocks from here seeking for this in
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space and space in this world.
[17:08 - 17:16]
You know we haven't we have until now failed
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program of the UN. If if unfortunately fail
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we are to speak we will respect a much more prone to aid. Plans
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often often sort of new colonialism was the result
[17:33 - 17:41]
of his day his way over helping people in a romantic way. It is not
[17:41 - 17:46]
efficient anymore. We must operate on a much without just gave you not
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actually the kind of experience of I
[17:51 - 17:56]
mean way is all of that because the game is over. The Greens the green hills of
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Africa one being green animal problem would be solved.
[18:01 - 18:05]
Anyway it was a great writer searching for the truth in a personal way. But we
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cannot afford to finish it with a gunshot from breakfast. We must face
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the problem of everybody not only our personal problems. If we fail
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again in these few years that war would be in a you know big trouble to
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approach and solve the problem. There is only one way to establish an
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understanding of the Russian A-level We did people over all the world.
[18:29 - 18:34]
The human brain works everywhere the same way. We must
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find you know Africa Latin America and India bring all the
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brains that are needed for this operation. Sentiments won't be any
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good. They bring feelings and final score would be misunderstood. Russian
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metals and therefore technology is the only way for the sort of technology
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is the only way to approach a problem on a large scale. They can ology is the lingua
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franca of the international language understood by all men. But
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conflict between sentiments and rationality. PR you know minds
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we have to be careful you know voiding a separation of all our selves from our
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sentiments with technology it is possible to
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build atomic bombs and to commit genocides. Technology can be a gun a
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table that can be used against an assault on him out against a peaceful man.
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Our aim must direct and overachieve goal was to benefit all humanity.
[19:35 - 19:38]
Here is the dilemma again.
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The use of all means has to be planted only to stimulate the attitudes of developing
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countries. I mean already present attitudes and
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capacity or to induce new forces.
[19:50 - 19:58]
But technology evidently can also be a steamroller acting as fuck to
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all the young men in the new countries won't allow this technology if
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they have not a brilliant boss that they like at least to have a brilliant contemporary
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technology. An Indian or an African doctor will feel
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frustrated knowing that the new of us seeing the cost a few cents in America
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won't be available for him. But the main problem in bringing aid
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is an interfering directly into starvation feels a few of the developing developing
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countries. Apart from done we give to
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give it is the most difficult thing in the world that people start to receive would
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immediately feel inferior because they are in need. Not only does not
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own it out but if you give them a small gift that they will feel that the QIF is
[20:48 - 20:53]
proportional to their personality. The United States are facing the problem says the
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Marshall Plan. In fact I wish now to refer to it under
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development and the concept is in the new countries. They mean the same
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thing. We must be against for chlorate against all that kind of tradition that the
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respect thinks like a segment of cults fault war and religion are most
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of the time against development. Then what about the respect to pay through allegiance.
[21:17 - 21:22]
Can we say that we are not a septum endure a Legion because allows routes to eat to the
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food of Indians hungry people are then we going to draw a
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line for another discrimination. But would you accept to pay more taxes to
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feed Indian rights.
[21:35 - 21:39]
This is the way in your country.
[21:39 - 21:44]
The Active the active educate the young people are against the establishment that is
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traditional. Most of the tradition are religious
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traditions. The establishment want to retain these privileges.
[21:54 - 21:59]
Then young people in your country start protocol everywhere 530 shown
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on the large scale.
[22:03 - 22:08]
It's a vicious circle. Only of rationality and technology can break it.
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The same problem is evident also in Europe where most of the old fogeys saw freed
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of the future. They say that human factors and sentiments would be left out.
[22:18 - 22:25]
What I want to say is that we are seeking for a new moral attitude towards a
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larger society much larger than before we still work for the
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war of the benefit and not for a small elite.
[22:34 - 22:39]
Consequently in future all of the architecture under you've been planning we're dead afraid to form a new
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attitude of the planners and designers. Then you see it is it would
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be one space for all men not a group of us to enter clubs if
[22:49 - 22:54]
you will not succeed in the same in just that little space would be left to for a real
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democracy would be to go back to medieval situation. We would start
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building castles. People would be afraid of leaving the iris
[23:02 - 23:08]
the greenbelt would still be the thing that divides the white belt from the
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black belt the way it said the charts obs for what
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concerns planning and building is developing countries we have to face two distinct
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phenomena. House today you know the fellow being you know developing country
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costs much more than a house built in Europe or in the United States.
[23:28 - 23:33]
Do it too low to even with the lumber cost is much lower than
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what is it in the states or even Europe this is because that most
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of the goods to build a house are imported directly from
[23:41 - 23:44]
industrial areas.
[23:44 - 23:52]
In industrialized countries otherwise we are going towards a totally industrialized
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prefabrication in metal and plastic. Only no more of force or conflict in the
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future. Building will wait one tenth of the actual bill thanks
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to phenomena building like primates below one side and completely
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industry lies on the other side the opposite. Today a lot
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of a prefabricated building event tall and large. I was sent to Africa and Latin
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America because they are cheaper but the new
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countries won't have soon enough foreign currency to pay prefabricated buildings. This
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solution then is a plan including all the continents to
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determine the industrial areas with drone material and skilled labor
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to produce goods of a controlled standard to present all the key of new
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countries is ruining them. These
[24:45 - 24:50]
industrialized areas can be allocated also in Africa Latin America.
[24:50 - 24:55]
All the efforts to must be concentrated in a few areas to produce for other areas
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we have to find the best area and the right people for every specific production.
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Evidently nationalism that would be against the welfare policy. But we know
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that Nationalists may have produced the worst phenomena in our century.
[25:12 - 25:17]
We do need a new kind of Pisco technology cockle not only a
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moral attitude is needed it's also need that the attitude of doing good
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is good business on both sides. A new revolution has
[25:27 - 25:29]
opted to active.
[25:29 - 25:35]
If we do if we do not succeed in this aim in a few years and not even a
[25:35 - 25:39]
hope we'll be able to sustain us.
[25:39 - 25:40]
Thank you.
[25:40 - 25:50]
To you.
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There you have an articulate confident expression of faith in the possibilities of
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technological solutions to the problems of developing areas. Remarks
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from one of Italy's young architects Renato Severino. Now to an
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architect and planner whose ideas on solving the problems of developing areas are
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in opposition to Mr Severino shows John Turner's experience with
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the under developed world includes eight years with the Peruvian government housing
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agency. His work with the agency was connected with rural schools
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housing and squatters. He has conducted research on squatter problems for the
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United Nations and at present is a consultant to the UN on
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urban settlement in developing countries taking exception to Renata
[26:38 - 26:43]
Severino thesis that technology is the only solution to the problems
[26:43 - 26:48]
of underdeveloped areas. Here is architect and planner John
[26:48 - 26:49]
[26:49 - 26:54]
I've been forbidden to read the paper that I had for Pat so I'm
[26:54 - 26:57]
going to try and give you a short summary.
[26:57 - 27:04]
To begin with. I want to thank you not a Severino
[27:04 - 27:10]
for the irritation he caused his band which
[27:10 - 27:14]
made it possible for me to write my record. I'm
[27:14 - 27:15]
[27:15 - 27:20]
Substituting for a colleague of mine who I'm sure would
[27:20 - 27:26]
have made a much better contribution and I'm going to be able to make it.
[27:26 - 27:30]
However I will do my best. I
[27:30 - 27:35]
take us out and treat text as it were a quotation of my
[27:35 - 27:39]
colleagues. He says they're
[27:39 - 27:45]
referring to traditional construction brick and mortar type
[27:45 - 27:49]
construction he said in his paper that there is no future for this method
[27:49 - 27:54]
of construction if the hopes of improving living standards in the new
[27:54 - 27:59]
countries are to be transformed into reality. Well
[27:59 - 28:04]
I don't want to create the impression that
[28:04 - 28:11]
I am an unbeliever in technology. It has to offer.
[28:11 - 28:16]
But I do want to raise some questions raise
[28:16 - 28:21]
a few doubts which have been
[28:21 - 28:25]
raised in my own mind as a result of the Beslan experience and observations I have had
[28:25 - 28:32]
in Mr. Nash America.
[28:32 - 28:37]
To exaggerate perhaps a little bit. I would say that
[28:37 - 28:40]
the opposite of that statement is nearer the truth
[28:40 - 28:47]
there. On the contrary the introduction
[28:47 - 28:52]
of modern organizer should have the modern technology
[28:52 - 28:58]
which is necessary to operate in.
[28:58 - 29:02]
Economies that they're.
[29:02 - 29:07]
Not prepared to accept them. How. Does
[29:07 - 29:11]
more harm than good. Well the
[29:11 - 29:16]
evidence. I which I base
[29:16 - 29:20]
this claim. I'm going to jump a little bit.
[29:20 - 29:24]
Is that why in the first place the
[29:24 - 29:29]
majority of the projects which governments national
[29:29 - 29:36]
governments and international agencies with the best intentions in the world.
[29:36 - 29:42]
Support the big highs low cost housing projects which are being carried out.
[29:42 - 29:47]
Does it I know myself and those that I have read about federal authority active ministry official
[29:47 - 29:50]
documents Borglum failures.
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