The story of education Roman education

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You have to civic university program today and in the broadcast to follow is based
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upon the story of education published by Chilton books in June 1962
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co-author with your narrator was Dr. Eugene LASKER And Assistant Superintendent charge of
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teacher recruitment by the New York City Board of Education. By
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presenting these excerpts from our book The Story of education. We are hoping that you
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our listening audience may be better able to understand the whys and the wherefores of our
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own American schools. Our topic today. ROMANS
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education I cording to the mythical story of the twin
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boys being nursed by a wolf. One of them Romeo Les founded
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Rome on the spot where the beast had discovered and adopted them in the year now reckon that seven
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hundred fifty three B C. For more than a thousand
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years before that date Indo-Europeans and other tribesmen had gradually been settling the
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Italian peninsula. From the eighth to the 6th century B.C. The
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city states were ruled by kings. Apparently existing throughout this period
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there had been a Senate serving as an advisory council to these rulers and
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descendants of those noble families known as patricians formed a hereditary
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address to Craddick classed as this thing goes from the plebian and are common people.
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The founding of the Roman Republic when the Kings were overthrown is usually given as
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509 B.C.. However the patricians continued there
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after to be the dominant political power of maintaining their control through the
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Senate which annually chose to councils to serve as joint chief
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executives. But as the plebian is increased in number they
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more and more challenge the patrician rule. It was during the
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third and second centuries B.C. that the center of political and economic gravity shifted from
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the eastern Mediterranean to Rome. The Romans proved themselves more
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adept than any people before them in affairs of government. Their greatest
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contribution to the Western world was the establishment of a substantial foundation for the
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social order. They were a practical people who built
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institutions through which the ideals of more imaginative peoples might be realized.
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The body of civil laws the Romans organized remains today the foundation for most of the
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legal systems in the western world. It can be said our modern ideals have been
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taken from he brake and Greek sources but our institutions came from the
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Romans. This Roman genius for adaptations and application was
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far greater than the originality displayed that is shown by the rather the
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shallowness of contributions to art and literature. Although Cicero very joined
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Horace did leave lasting impressions upon literature as any schoolboy studying Latin can
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well passed by. Roman made his greatest contribution in the fields
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of applied rather than pure science taking the speculations of the Greek
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philosophers and applying them to the building of roads and bridges and the development of
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agriculture. Particularly was this great genius for organizations shown
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in Roman military and political institutions through which there was gained and held for
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more than four centuries the world's greatest empire. Up to that time
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even in religion when they turned their attention to it a despised and
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persecuted sect was transformed into the beginnings of the great Roman Catholic Church with
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its highly complicated world wide organization in
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education the Romans had been called fairy man in that they carried the Greek and
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Hebrew ideas across a long span of time preserving them for
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posterity. Rome's earliest education was directed entirely
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toward making a boy a very boners or good man which meant a good
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citizen and a good soldier. Duty is a Roman citizenship are taught by their parents to
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both boys and girls. Those civic responsibilities were expressed in the laws
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of the 12 tables in poems and songs telling of Roman heroes of the past and in the
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accepted religious beliefs and practices. There were no formal schools in
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early Rome. Boys of the citizens class learned about government as they accompany
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their fathers about the city. When the age of 16 was reached the youth
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was given a toga various Are man's costume indicating that now
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he was a citizen. Also at 16 each young Roman was sent to an army
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camp for active military duty which completed his formal education.
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The new citizen henceforth was expected to continue his learning by participation in
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civic life. Prior to the third century BCE the
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Romans had been largely untouched by Greek culture and had developed their own peculiar
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qualities of character and intellect. They idealized traits of mind
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appropriate to rugged agricultural and warlike primitive tribes such as
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field duty honesty courage integrity and dignity. But after the
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Roman conquest of Greece in the 2nd century B.C. educated Greek slaves were
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brought to Rome as Pedagog and with them came Greek learning and school
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methods. Then characteristically the Romans took the education ideas of the
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Greeks and developed them into the most formal school system. Up to that time.
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Unfortunately it was planned for only the children of the wealthy until the
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age of seven boys and girls of the upper classes were educated at home by tutors use
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the Greek slaves. Then until 10 they attended a primary school
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called the School of the teacher of letters in which they learned reading writing and the
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rudiments of arithmetic. Here formal education ended for the girls but
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boys went on to the school as a teacher in grammar where they learned not only grammar
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but also the literature of Greece and Rome some with ology geography and history.
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At 16 boys attended the school as a teacher of rhetoric where for two or
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three years they studied declamation an extemporaneous speaking in harmony
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with the Roman belief that one of the chief marks of an educated man was to know the duties of a
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citizen and to be able to speak on them in a convincing way debates on the
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subject of Roman law and the proper conduct of the citizen formed an important part in this
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final stage of the use formal education. Although this system
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produced some famous orators and authors it was unfortunate that only the sons
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of the wealthy were able to get a complete education such as it was.
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This tended to produce a social structure in which a small group a rich educated
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man largely controlled the government while most of the people had little knowledge or interest in
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problems of public life. Early Roman education repress
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the freedom of the individual in the interest of the state. It was definitely a
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training intended to prepare for practical life. Whereas the Greeks
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had been highly theoretical and subjective. The Romans were objective in
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striving always for the team in a some concrete purpose possessing material values.
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The emphasis was placed upon physical military civic training.
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Vocational education to state and so patronize only by the free citizens of
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Greece. Again a highly respected place in early Rome. A large
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part of the content centered in the laws of the 12 tables which defined public
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and private relationships and stated clearly the human and property rights of each individual living
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under Roman control and protection. These were memorized
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presumably for the purpose of practical guidance in later life.
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However the twelve tables were not studied critically. In fact there was but
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little of intellectual nature in early Roman education. Direct
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imitation was the method generally used and great emphasis was placed on habit
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formation. The. Discipline was direct and harsh. The family
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became a significant institution an early Roman life one that was largely
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responsible for almost maintaining such a law. It's world power position under
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the power known as patriarch protest this corporal punishment and even
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death. Could be inflicted by the father and other members of the family at his own
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discretion. Thus he was the unquestioned head of the family
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but the mother was also held in high esteem. Earlier custom did place the
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wife under the absolute power of her husband to do with what he pleased. But
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in actual practice she went freely into society and taught the children and
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sometimes even aided her husband in his career. In those days of
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ancient Rome both state and society honored womanhood and parents
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cooperated in training children in stern simple virtues. The girl was
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taught by her mother the essential moral values in domestic arts such as spinning weaving and the
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care of the home. At first there was but little practical need for women to know
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reading and writing so they were seldom taught those subjects. But this changed
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somewhat after the Greek elementary schools were set up by private teachers about 200
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B.C. and then on the educational ideals and
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practices in the early period were purely Roman. But as Greece was being
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conquered bit by bit influence of the vanquished took root and
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education became composite and cosmopolitan. This change from early
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to late attitudes came much more gradually to the conservative Romans than it had to the
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Athenians. Cato the Elder bitterly opposed the growth of Greek
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ideas and customs because he thought they were decayed and upon his eloquent
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insistence the Senate in 161 B.C. He created the expulsion of all
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philosophers and rhetoricians from Rome. However upon Cato's death and the
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final conquest agrees to the destruction of Corinth in 146 B.C.
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foreign influences there after found easy access
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Cicero's the oratory in 55 B.C. marked the final triumph
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of Greek influences upon Roman education. It was the first as well as the
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best formulation by a Roman of the Greek educational ideal.
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In the days of the republic when the basis for economic and political life was rather
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broad. Education was a common expectation for rather than really
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large numbers of people. But as economic and political life became more
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restricted in the later days of the Empire schooling became virtually limited to the
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aristocratic senatorial and nightly classes. Some of the emperors were
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noted for their support and patronage of educational institutions. Antony of
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Pius born in 86 laid upon the town the obligation of paying
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the salaries of teachers and of giving them exemptions. This stimulated the
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already established custom. I mean a simple control and support of education.
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Emperor Pius plan for the cities the pay the salaries at public expense. And he
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would supplement from the Imperial Treasury if the cities were unable to do so.
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However this imperial patronage was more or less haphazard depending as
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it did upon the personal interest of the individual emperors in promoting learning or upon their
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efforts to gain personal support from certain sections of the population.
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Later Roman education moved mainly in the direction of intellectual development to
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become an accomplice speaker in debate it was the main purpose of formal training and
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language ability was stressed. The emphasis upon moral character was
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retained for some time. But as the Roman Empire became more corrupt
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and the people as a whole more DK didn't interested only in material things for their own
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selfish and sensuous satisfactions. This moral emphasis seemed completely
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lost. Gone also are the ideals of the republic and early
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empire that emphasize training for service to society
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in the later imperial period. Rhetorical training was taken by the student merely for
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affectation and personal display and a definite indication that the
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Roman Empire was in its 200 year process of falling.
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At the elementary level the methods were those in memorizing an imitation
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material was meager that people sat upon the floor upon stones and rested their
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tablets on their knees. School hours were long lasting from sunrise until
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sunset. But there was no school in summer and holidays were numerous. They
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were taught the names and order of the letters of the alphabet without learning anything in regard to they
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shape. All the possible combinations the syllables were then learned by
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rote. Next writing and reading were talked by means of exercise or
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dictated by the teacher pronunciation enunciate in an intelligent expression
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received special attention. Writing was taught by copying and tracing on a
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wax tablet with a stylus. As in Greece. Accounting was done on the fingers with
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pebbles or with the abacus. Discipline was severe. The rod in the last
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were used frequently. The curriculum of the Roman University varied
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from that of the Greek University. Neither philosophical speculation or pure
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science appealed to the practical Romans. It was science in the applied form
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which claimed their attention. So here in the university there developed professional
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preparation for law medicine architecture and mechanics.
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What philosophy was in the Greek University.
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Medicine the law became in the Roman University.
[14:06 - 14:08]
As we know it today.
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