Latin American perspectives II Program 36: Regis Debray and the Latin American Revolution

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Latin America perspectives a series of information and
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comment about Latin America with Dr. C. Harvey Gardner research professor
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of history at Southern Illinois University. These programs are recorded
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by station w s r u FM. Here now is Dr. Gardner.
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At this moment the leftist French intellectual rageous de
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brézé is restricted by the four walls of a prison cell.
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His ideas however are being kicked about the four corners of the earth.
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De brézé you may recall was arrested in April 1967 in a
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guerrilla ridden area of eastern Bolivia an armed and
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wearing civilian clothes. The confidant of Cuba's Fidel Castro
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insisted that he was there as a journalist. However the Bolivian
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prosecutors produced documents which indicated that de brézé was acting as Lee is known
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between Castro and Che Guevara. The result for the Frenchman
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was a 30 year prison sentence. Just as de brézé was making
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headlines as a prisoner and Vajra was meeting his death in Bolivia
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a book by the Frenchman in titled Revolution in the
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revolution ending with a question mark was published
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reaction to that book finds the ideas of the far from free. Frenchmen
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so widely discussed much in the form of violent dissent.
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One such expression is a volume of essays entitled
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re just to pray and the Latin American Revolution the publication
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of a Monthly Review Press the Cuban
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revolution was one of the major turning points in the history of modern Latin America
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and read just a braise book Revolution in the Revolution gave
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explicit form to the assumptions and perspectives of that revolution
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the publication of the book by the young French philosopher in 1907 created a
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worldwide sensation all the more so because he was at that time being
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tried and imprisoned for his association with the Bolivian guerillas led
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by Che Guevara. The braes theory is based on the
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idea of the establishment and interrupted development of a
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gorilla focal. The latter term meaning a
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unified guerilla force as the key to
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revolutionary process in recognition of the widespread interest
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aroused by this thesis and also by de braze severe
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judgment handed down against all existing parties of the left.
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The editors of the magazine Monthly Review where de braze book originally
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appeared in English devoted the double summer issue of
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July August 1968 to a symposium on the
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brae the nine essays contained in the present
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volume are a result of that symposium and to them have been
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added for more essays which appeared to merit inclusion
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in a serious discussion of racist de brézé and the Latin
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American Revolution. Debris goes far beyond
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the rejection of the traditional communist doctrine of revolutionary
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legitimacy that all must proceed from that fountain head. That
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is the Russian Revolution and he tries to deduce from the Cuban experience
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rules and principles intended to be valid for our future.
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Latin American revolutions to braise theory can be summarized in two
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parts. First Latin America is ripe
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for revolution. The existing system is maintained solely by the armed
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forces of the oligarchy is supported by the United States. The problems are
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therefore how to destroy these armed forces and at the same time prepare the masses
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to play a very part in seizing power and beginning the construction
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of a new. A socialist society. The second
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part of the brace theory insists that both of these problems can and
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must be solved as they claim is they were in Cuba
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by the establishment an uninterrupted development of unitary guerilla
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forces the so-called focal. This is first and foremost a
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military process but it simultaneously accomplishes the three
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decisive political tasks of the revolution. A From
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the struggle itself a seasoned political leadership and Vanguard emerges
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and be the armed forces of the existing state are drawn into battle
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and presumably defeated and see the guerrilla struggle politicizes the
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masses are as de brézé puts it in a metaphor. The guerrilla force is a
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small motor which sets a large motor. The masses into
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motion and thus lays the groundwork for the final act of the revolutionary
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drama. A general strike or an urban insurrection to seize and
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hold the now protected seats of power.
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This in brief is the theory that has been subjected
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to so much criticism at many points by the numerous contributors
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to this new volume. How does it happen. The
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question is asked that the brain commits what is from the Marxist point
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of view the elementary error emphasized by most of the
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contributors to this volume incidentally of elevating the military
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over the political. Does he really understand so little of Marxism as to
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assume that anyone who takes to the hills can by doing a good job of fighting
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create a political Vanguard. Activate a mass movement and lead a
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socialist revolution doesn't he know that there are many cases in Latin American history
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of rebels fighting extremely well without accomplishing any
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such miracles.
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The names of such men as supporter and the Mexico and son Deno in
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Nicaragua come readily to mind. Obviously we cannot assume any such
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abysmal ignorance of Marxism and history on the braes part. We must therefore
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look for the explanation elsewhere and we believe it is to be found in an assumption
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which he never spells out and is perhaps not even conscious of making but
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which nevertheless underlies indeed permeates his entire work.
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This is the assumption that in Latin America today all the necessary
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political conditions for a successful revolution already exist
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just below the surface of social life. What is
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needed therefore is not to create these conditions through hard patient
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political work but to bring them to the surface where they can so to speak
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operate freely and in the braes view only
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military action.
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His guerrilla focal can perform this
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function. The greatest weakness one writer insists
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of de braze theory is that it's specific errors and omissions are
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important because he attempts to prescribe a course which
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Latin American revolutions must follow. Noteworthy then is the fact
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that as the Cuban Revolution departed from the pattern of the Russian
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and believes it valid to do so now it is thought that the Cuban revolution is somewhat
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sacrosanct and that others must follow in the mold that there is perhaps
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for the Western Hemisphere a new legitimacy that of performing in
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the manner and only in the manner of the Cuban revolution. This is a
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basis of attack upon the braes argument. Another of the writers in this volume
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insists that the braes theses call for a critique on two fundamental
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grounds. First they do not derive from a fundamental
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analysis of Latin American society and still less of its class
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structure. And secondly in consequence they divorce
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theory from practice and mistaking the nature of the Latin
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American Revolution. They underestimate the political role of
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military action and mass participation and their
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enter relationships. Another writer
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this one a Brazilian and incidentally the volume is contributed to by citizens from
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Brazil United States Canada Pakistan the Dominican Republic
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England indeed more than a half dozen nations.
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A Brazilian writing says the concept which is central to register braze revolution in
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the revolution of the subordination of the party to the guerrilla force of the political to the
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military is based on the assumption that the revolution is formed in the struggle
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itself. The thesis defended by Castro and yet no one can deny
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that the Venezuelan Communist Party thought with arms in hand
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especially in 1963 and 1964. Today according to
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Fidel they have abandoned the struggle and taken the road of
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reformism. Here's the logic of the argument of de brézé appears to break
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down armed struggle is not enough for the forging
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of a revolutionary consciousness.
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A Continental revolution. Yet another of his critics asserts is a
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must. If a national revolution is to triumph
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if a country that is isolated from the rest of Latin America attempts a revolution it will
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immediately suffer an invasion. But if the revolution is extended
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to all the countries of the continent. Action by the United States will not
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be feasible. It is easy for the United States to invade a single
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country and control its key points but is it possible for it to invade and control all of Latin
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America. Why if the enemy concentrates its forces it loses
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terrain if it disperses it loses strength. The US A revolutionary
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axiom being applied in Vietnam the revolutions prime enemy
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is tied imperialism. If it were only a matter of doing battle
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with national armies it would be relatively easy to defeat them. However the continental
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revolution will be carried out by means of national revolutions that
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have implied a coordination of national movements. It's
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noteworthy here that the thought that a successful communist revolution
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in the Western Hemisphere in Latin America must be an all inclusive
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approach to Latin America. This is indeed an appeal to
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perhaps indeed a lesson from history is to be remembered that in the wars of
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independence the people of Argentina sensed that if they won their
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independence they would not be secure in it. If the people of neighboring or of y
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of neighboring Chile of neighboring Paraguayan were still in the hands of Spain
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and therefore there was a community spirit that found people from Argentina going to help the other
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areas and indeed making it a continental
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revolution. The thought being that no one area independent
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would be secure in its independence unless all were freed from the same
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master than mother country Spain. This revolutionary thought is
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then that if revolution does come to Continental Latin America
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it will have to be Continental in its proportions and this will then suggest
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that security for one revolutionary success will be
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gained only by virtue of the fact that other revolutions have
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won in the neighboring zones to braze book then
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is science a tool in the struggle to create a union of
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communism and nationalism in Latin America which would seem to be Fidel Castro's aim
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as such a tool. It might have been more useful had it been written in a less elevated prose
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in a language more accessible to the masses. But the young European writer
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could not free himself from his own experience that of the French
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been taught to write brilliantly elegantly and with sharpness.
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It doesn't help matters incidentally that the title is cast in the form of a question
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although this can be taken as a sign of intellectual honesty. It is vague and
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denotes insecurity a provocative volume. Is that one
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entitled Ray just to bray on the Latin American Revolution published by Monthly
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Review Press.
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This was another programme in the series. Latin America
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perspectives with Dr. C. Harvey Gardner research professor of history at
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Southern Illinois University joined us for our next program when Dr.
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Gardner will comment on another interesting aspect of Latin American affairs.
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These programs are recorded by station WFIU FM and are made available to
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this station by the national educational radio network.
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