Revolution: 20th century phenomenon #13 (Reel 1)

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Would you like to live in is were sunk to where there were no prospects
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of your chosen representatives participating in decision making
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would you like to live in a society where you were
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economically and socially.
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You know people who are themselves
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that was excellent say Ebenezer Moses Deborah ambassador of Ghana speaking at the
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twenty sixth annual Institute on world affairs
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conducted as a special feature of the instructional program at San Diego State College the institute is
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dedicated to the use of the free academic forum for the presentation and discussion of current
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and continuing issues of international significance. The main theme of this year's
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Institute is expressed in one word revolution.
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Our speaker on this program was educated at the University of Ghana in the London School of
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Economics following the completion of his studies. He taught and then began
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his service in the diplomatic field and now is Excellency Ebeneezer
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Moses Deborah addresses the Institute with his topic for discussion. The African
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why he is in revolt.
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Thank you very much.
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Thank you thank you.
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The African. Why in the world.
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We hold these truths to be self evident that all men
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are created by their Creator
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with certain inalienable rights that among these are Life
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Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That whenever
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any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends
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it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it
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and to institute new Government laying its foundation on such
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principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them
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shall seem most likely to effect their safety and their happiness.
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This is what it's all about. This is where the African in Europe is
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in revolt. Firstly against his cloning of mass attacks
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against his own indigenous people and for some time to come. Again
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the triple evils of poverty illiteracy and disease.
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A century and a half ago some European countries principle to
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Britain France brought the larger part of
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the landmass of Africa and its people under the Susan and
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they set up Africa and over the African people. What is usually
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known as a colonial system. Many Africans
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borrowed to the system because they were powerless to repudiate it.
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Others good to poverty because they mistakenly thought that it
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would confer on them the benefits of extend our civilization and
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polish. There was however no doubt in the minds of
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the Metropolitan powers what were to be the functions of these colonial
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countries and people. You are mainly speaking to the
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Association of industrial and agriculture in Paris on March
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8 1899 said he wanted to discredit in advance
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a new sign of industrial development in French colonies to
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oblige the overseas positions to look. According to the mother country
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from a fucked up production and before field by force if necessary
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the rational function is that of a market reserve by right
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of the mother country's industry. Your own ferry had declared
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earlier without a hint of caution but a declaration of the Rights of Man
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was not written for the blacks of Africa.
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One of the African countries were in a position to do so. The choice was
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colonialism by all means at their disposal.
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Because the system was not in the interest and because it is destructive
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to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Would you like
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to live in a society where there were no prospect
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of you or your chosen representatives ever participating in decision
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making. Would you like to live in a society where you want for ever be
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subordinated economically and socially. Non-Indigenous people
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were doing sort of those of us who own by themselves.
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Speaking on colonialism to a group of business men in Rochester New York in
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1961 I was asked whether Ghana's development of independence
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could not be attributed to its being a colonial Britain wanted out to
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mean that an African speaker the previous week stated that
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the only reason why his country had to start from scratch so to speak
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were the fact that his country had no colonial masters run a civil service
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to explore the mineral wealth of the country or to provide a degree in French but
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its people had been raising themselves by Europe and the MBRD
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countries which had the opportunity of being assisted by a former colonial master.
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How then could I say that the colonial system is not conducive to the
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pursuit of happiness of people.
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I assume the colonial system was not a system of
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there was a beginning but there was no predetermined end to the
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Metropolitan Government did not set for themselves a date on which
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the authority over the country therefore did not set for
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themselves any political economic and social market were
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prepared nor development plan for these countries and the approach to economic
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social and political development was piecemeal. No doubt
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rare were ports and routes were built in a number of countries.
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But the careful examination of these targets reveals that the
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intention was not to open up the country for the development of the rule of the
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people back to provide channels through which the product of the country
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could be transported to the coast for export. If you do not believe this
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compare the road system in Nairobi Kenya to Sacco song where the
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Colonial has had no intention of looting or Lagos
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were plagued by mosquitoes who built a road and rail system
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adequate for a proper development of the country I suppose. But the service
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of transportation produce the goods.
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Let us for a minute take a look at Latin some of the remaining pockets
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in apartheid in Africa. Seven years ago I read to the
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American Academy of Political Science at a port on the gloomy picture of African
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life and I'm good at the scene has not changed at the new 70 years. Now I needed to
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get some 60 kilometers from London is the little village
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of that one central force itself 700
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families and young girls and old women share the image of the
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communal water dug your old hole in the limb
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and were too many miles to and from home where
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life goes on much as it has back in the thick of this.
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It's primitive and as much a part of Africa at its
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nearest neighbor the Congo it does propaganda boast that all
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his subjects are Portuguese first and only incidentally white or black in color.
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But the Africans who live in villages like this and I'm going to know what their chances
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of achieving for Portuguese citizenship even for what it is with
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a slender indeed an African welcome to a distant administer
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dissatisfaction. But he's a good Portuguese a good Catholic a good family man
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with only one wife and live for income may someday achieve the
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status of a first class citizen.
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But the last word is with the local administrator. The Portuguese government is proud
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of the schools that provided many in the colonies. Knowing In theory these boards are
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open to all. In practice economic and butyl practical road blocks
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stand in the path to war by the privileged few. The higher the grade
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if you were the Africans able to sustain the deaf to the protests of
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Africa's black nationalist blaring ahead with a scheme for
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colonization. Yan was on the Limpopo River Valley
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whites and blacks aboard the place in the jungle book for new
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settlers will be sent up from Portugal to leave the question of
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pollution. Live in apartheid South Africa
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first one constantly would say this is a quotation from my name back in the
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past in the 53 years that have passed since the
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South African government and the most appalling collection of
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racist laws could be found in any single country anywhere in the world.
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The cumulative effect and the increasing ferocity with which they have been
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enforced during the past 60 years of giving to apartheid the
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basic characteristics if not the exact dimensions of slavery
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back to the African for whom the policy has meant humiliation and degradation
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starvation disease death jail beatings torture and hanging.
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The difference for them.
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A barbed wire by luck and good luck. This is
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anguish. But all too familiar crack up with starving mother and South Africa
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writing to her husband telling him that their children are starving.
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Things are working under way for you in competition with the liver
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or he's in your mind receiving is far below those enjoyed by
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whites. Mind you sweeping the streets of some city and
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and £3 $10 a week for which he paid for his food
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rent a train or bus fare to and from work.
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Wherever he may be working. If you send him money it is always going to be
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a few would be for you to see.
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It's where Reza Sayah reporting how many of the children.
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And if one of them. I thought I did
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but precisely because the children are starving and dying of starvation. You must
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mean you must find work in exile.
[12:02 - 12:10]
How come that we have been unable to awaken the world's hands
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against this form of meat given brutal oppression. How come the
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country is ready to send their sons and daughters to far off lands to die for
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freedom. But if you want to join in employing the only effective measure
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economic sanctions the goons doth who defy the laws of using reason.
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How come that we do not hear the cries of the South African woman but
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continue to invest heavily to prop up
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a peoples whose only sin is that they live in their God given land.
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And how come that one country beautiful South Africa and all these
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it was evident that all men have a right to life liberty and pursuit of
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[12:57 - 13:04]
You must run and be counted.
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US Secretary of State from March 26 1961
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cannot stand aside from that of revolution are forces there themselves have to
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not if you do wish your own experiment.
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Freedom to survive proclaim its
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independence and those who claim to be concerned with the rule of law.
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Exact themself to disguise the inability willingness in fact you're
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very late and got it.
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It's a black African country. I got tempted what good will with
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my government would not have as it did look up or
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however many they may be. That is why we are voting in
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and with them being South Africa.
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We must continue to vote until the principles of democracy
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of this country. It is
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clear that the injustice of the indifference we form part of the
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colonial system.
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Prove that the longer the colonial system lasted the longer it would take the
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country to overcome this is not the problem. It would take a long
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time to eliminate poverty ignoring the inadequate health facilities
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Mordor communication system and general ignorance of world affairs.
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Nobody ever grew up all became much you who was whatever led.
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Furthermore since Africans each other like thing Americans are not
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utopian for America or America would never be able
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to give them a sense of identity would never be able to instill in us our
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confidence in them and in turn would never respect or treat as you was
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born whose destiny whatever remained in other people's hands there would be no
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need to end racial discrimination for more than discrimination has its
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origin in the system of slavery and inequality which was imposed on the African in the
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last recently. Independence for African countries was necessary and
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long overdue. It is not a system of colonialism which should have
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been continue but a new system which would move the developed world a
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boon for its past sins of omission some of commission in the developed
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developing world. No independence long
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overdue with welcome. When it was achieved there with the
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candidates but with unity in life liberty and the
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pursuit of happiness. To groom a prime minister and president of Ghana
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for 90 if you want to 1966 echoed the aspirations of your
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newly independent people. When he said in his book AFRICOM is united
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in our struggle for freedom parliamentary democracy was a
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vital and aim of Independence inseparable.
[16:13 - 16:18]
It was not our purpose to rid the country of the colonial riggin in order
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to substitute an African children who wanted to free our
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people from your rule and to give them the freedom to do the
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kind of government you first would best interest and
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our struggle was fought to make our people free to practice the religion they
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choose to give them the liberty to associate in what ever group
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you wish to create an atmosphere in which there could say and
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write and think freely without harming your neighbor jeopardizing
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the state. Yarmulke revolution at this
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point would have done poorly and surely up the independents to
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asserting the African personality into battling the three enemies of society.
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Poverty ignorance and if these principles had been
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on it when Cromer and bagged other African leaders who have
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recently been overthrown by God yet it's a
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sponsor for the moping up revolution who seem to be sweeping over the fruits of
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Africa do you know where many African nations
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became independent and political conditions where the ruling party
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occupies almost all the seats in the legislature. This was so
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because in the struggle for independence there was not much of an alternative
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policy independence my do one another one immediately.
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The people that tended to support one leader who became a father figure
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the most he's leading his people to the promised land. Somebody got
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promised a new heaven and a new earth quite unconscious that we
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would apply to much the deeds we did not mean that the
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African people were expecting their leader to perform miracles. I do
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expect the Indian leaders to continue to see the welfare of their people to
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suffer with their people and together seek a break at the model.
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What went wrong. You know some leaders after independence became so
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concerned with maintaining themselves in power so concerned with home
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political impact who left their people wondering
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whether the independent promises were being marched with post
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independence action parliament became rubber stamp
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him and their leader's wishes or seeking to perform his wishes in advance.
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Pass not in fundamental liberties were ignored. Taxes went up with little
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justification. Budget deficit became chronic and the who are
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commercial in the economic system began to grind to a halt.
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In the absence of an acceptable and peaceful constitutional provision
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for the court in dissatisfaction and thus it was only a
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revolution which could cause a heart to society do immigration.
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Subsequent events have shown that even after the first
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revolution our leaders failed to do that which is in the
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interest of the people. But rather seeing the past in our pleasures and
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promote their personal ambitions. These revolutions will never stop
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but as long other revolutions occur in the search for better government and wider
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wiser leadership we are not cause for despair.
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It is not enough to judge Africa's aspirations by the number of schools
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hospitals roads and public buildings constructed for people yearn for
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freedom or the right to participate in government
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particularly for the right to represented by the right of an
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independent judiciary to advocate the plan and the entirety of
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that peace of mind which enables them to express themselves in poetry
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and drama. When Freedom and Justice are denied them we have to
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deal with the kitchen to put things right. We are there for to sympathize
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with the people who are trying to set up governments in accordance with their own
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background and the government's will to provide them with the means to
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continue to enjoy the fruits of liberty and justice and to continue to
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pursue happiness. Government to provide stability and peaceful
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evolution in action. I am not defending or
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condoning the powers per se but those executed
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by selfish men to impose a worst tyranny on their helpless people.
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I'm not an advocate in the words of Thomas Jefferson for frequent changes in laws and
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constitution but I've never seen or observed laws and
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institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind
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and that becomes more developed more enlightened as new discoveries are
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made new truths discovered in manners and opinions change with
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a chance of circumstances institutions must advance also to keep
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pace with the times when laws are made or a police
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system established would make peaceful change impossible. Then
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revolutions are necessary to set the state on the true course of good government.
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Otherwise Rue might compete in a quotation from Jefferson as word of
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a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy. A
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civilized society to remain under the regime of their barbarous
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ancestors. There has been a
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tendency to describe some of these African leaders as a varying kind it of the devil.
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Need your immediate actions leading to the overthrow. Perhaps some of the users of that IP
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that it is possible later to convict them on
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charges of serious errors of judgment. If one considers the magnitude of the
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task for them this does not absolve them from responsibility for
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events leading to the overthrow of the Economic Commission for
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Africa. In a memorandum to Vice President Humphrey during his recent trip to
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Africa summed up Africa's post independence problems as follows.
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We are of the Economic Commission for Africa. I have no illusions about the
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economic difficulties confronting Africa in terms of income
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per head. Africa has some of the very poorest countries in the world.
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It has a population of over 300 million to more than double
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in the next few decades. Within the last few years an increasing
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proportion of basic food supplies have come from the outside world.
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Forty three percent of the population is under 50 and need an education in
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keeping with the development of climates of the continent. Africa is the least
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industrialized of the worst region and the necessary expansions of
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Africa Marcus implies a great improvement in the transport and
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communication system of roads for example. The present need for a cable
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from Monrovia to Freetown goes through London and New York.
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Efficient industrialisation also requires cooperation among small and
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hitherto isolated country. Moreover given the structure of African
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economies in the US Allies Asian dictates an increase in imports.
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In a situation in which the world market conditions for many of Africa's
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primary exports are not good enough because elsewhere
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economic advance depends critically upon the mobilization of science and
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technology and we are in no danger of
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underestimating the magnitude of this attack and the protests.
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I mean there's no question of it turning back. You might have heard of the little story by the
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Duke of Edinburgh the programme was timed and
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exactly at midnight at a minute a minute to midnight. When do you know Jack would be
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lowered in the canyon. Like the
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ceremonies and it a little earlier than anticipated. There were fewer Minister way
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before independence to Jomo
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Kenyatta the king and Prime Minister and said Mr Prime Minister you have a
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few minutes. You want to she'll mind
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very little but there's no question of going back. We can only go forward
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you know a new philosophy containing a message of hope and inspiration.
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Margaret formulated and preach to the people. The new philosophy of
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development of Africa might be summed up in Kenya as model I don't believe
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that has put our shoulders to the plow together let us work together.
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Some leaders consider the immense task of economic and social development
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because in the countries that do that dissent among the organized and
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controlled in order to prevent selfish people for their own ends
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obstructing national progress in the name of dissent. Controlling
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dissent often to the form of legislation allow the existence of only one
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political party and we were supposed to put all the discussion
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about the right approach. The national problem for there was a
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conviction where there was no alternative policy and you need to
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know rather gives a wrong to illiteracy and disease free. And I'm brittle
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dissent and opposition. Western style parliamentary
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democracy. Two or three party system were thought to be luxury with the
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people trying to overcome the handicap of think you can ill afford
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it in light of Africa put in difficulties.
[26:43 - 26:48]
One should respect his point of view and must never subjected to and this is really cool.
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In fact in some of these countries it is really a system whose turn to keep
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order in chaos. But I personally believe that
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it is not in the item of interest even of our societies. We're just
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struggling to overcome the handicaps of many senses. To put caps on
[27:07 - 27:12]
descent for this easily makes the dust of the disputed
[27:12 - 27:17]
sponsible tomorrow and this enables unscrupulous persons in
[27:17 - 27:21]
high places to part of their misdeeds. If there never was nepotism
[27:21 - 27:26]
graft kickbacks used in look along with the group and the
[27:26 - 27:30]
common people feel betrayed. Their complaints are silence with force
[27:30 - 27:36]
and a forcible takeover. The inevitable but all
[27:36 - 27:41]
of this could have been avoided. Would dissent have been allowed. I said after Lois
[27:41 - 27:46]
remarked in his book on West African politics. The public to reassert
[27:46 - 27:50]
God to the right of independent criticism it was but to a party
[27:50 - 27:55]
membership a political system was functioning depended
[27:55 - 28:00]
on the out truism of politicians would be as much an absurdity
[28:00 - 28:05]
as an economic system depending upon the Museum of businessmen
[28:05 - 28:11]
where it is obvious that the legal one party system is necessary for vernacular reasons
[28:11 - 28:16]
or a force should be made to consent to consult the people freely.
[28:16 - 28:21]
Every few years. I believe that the advocates are the
[28:21 - 28:27]
one party system which we need to emphasize the need for strong governance.
[28:27 - 28:32]
Government with a with a mission a purpose. Governments with a good
[28:32 - 28:37]
program and the determination to see this program successfully implemented.
[28:37 - 28:42]
Governments are willing to risk Tempora unpopularity in order to
[28:42 - 28:47]
see the country through periods of difficulty. This type of
[28:47 - 28:51]
government is what is required and agony needed in Africa. The
[28:51 - 28:57]
one party system does not necessarily provide for a strong government.
[28:57 - 29:01]
It has a great danger that it decrees that the people will for ever
[29:01 - 29:06]
accept those who are in power today. In Africa most of
[29:06 - 29:11]
the leadership at the top have split shortly after independence. Evidence that the
[29:11 - 29:16]
Syrian leadership is not forever acceptable by the law for beachgoers
[29:16 - 29:21]
who disagree from forming your own parties therefore resort to violent methods
[29:21 - 29:26]
or merely exercising their right to dissent openly. Yeah media to
[29:26 - 29:30]
suppress the other league or one party system does not need to strong
[29:30 - 29:35]
and is then desirable governments but the general is quickly into the establishment
[29:35 - 29:39]
of a tyranny. And he didn't merit to others of your basic rights.
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