The smoking dilemma Development of the Smoking Habit
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Each year 4500 teenagers in America begin a
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practice which if continued reduces the life expectancy of each by
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about six years. In addition this practice over a lifetime will
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cost each thousands of dollars and hundreds of days of disability.
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That practice is cigarette smoking. I'm Dr. Ralph grinder
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professor of health education at San Diego State College and this is one of a series of programs
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on the smoking dilemma. Today we'll be exploring the dynamics of the
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development of the smoking habit. Our guest today is Dr. Richard Carney
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associate professor of psychology at California Western University. Dr.
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Carney is also president of the San Diego County Psychological Association.
[00:56 - 01:01]
Not to CARNEY Everyone has some ideas on the subject of why people
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begin smoking. But what do we know really about the critical factors
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involved. What starts people smoking.
[01:09 - 01:14]
I think there are a number of things. The primary thing probably is
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[01:15 - 01:21]
So young people are surrounded by parents their peers
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advertising at all levels all of which present smoking as a
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customary ordinary normal and desirable thing to do within
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our national life.
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Normal desirable but everybody doesn't smoking a
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lot of youngsters don't begin. Why. Why do some begin and some don't
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we know anything about this.
[01:46 - 01:51]
Yes I think so. I think almost everyone at one
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time or another. Experiments with smoking. Out of normal
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curiosity. This is just one of the things I see in the culture. One of the things they are
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tempted to do by a variety of influences I mentioned earlier and
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so most everyone I think is exposed to it at one time or another. But some
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people seem to have a need for it. But others don't. What's the
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nature that need is. Well again I think that there are many needs that can be
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satisfied by the habit. My own research is indicated. Maybe there are some people who are
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biologically predisposed for this or some people who need the
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stimulation that they get from smoking and the particular effect that it has on their physiology.
[02:34 - 02:39]
This is new this has to do with some kind of inherited predisposition I mean I
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just checked this is the case. Yes I call in nature perhaps. Yes and also probably the
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effect it has on the nervous system and theirs. I don't want to go into this in any
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detail today it's a highly technical subject. Also
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probably much more common would be such needs as the
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need for reassurance the need to feel like you belong.
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To the group that you're doing a thing that will identify you with the group that you want to identify with.
[03:07 - 03:12]
You think it's pretty difficult then for a person who. Is in a social
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group which is largely composed of smokers to remain and have group without becoming a smoker.
[03:17 - 03:22]
Yes indeed I'd like to talk about that more later but this I think is one of the
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kinds of needs that are met this way another one curiously enough is the opposite of this
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and I so need to rebel. We need to prove one's
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independence and manhood and maturity frequently by rebuilding
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against an authority the parent perhaps or the church perhaps some authority that
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typically is pretty authoritarian and moralistic in its presentation of
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smoking. And so the young person says in effect I'll show
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you you don't want me to do this. I want to prove that I can do what I want to do so
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I'll do it.
[03:58 - 04:02]
Is this related to the so-called identity needs. That is a need to feel
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grown up.
[04:05 - 04:10]
Yes I would think it more a feeling of maturity or manliness particularly
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on the part of me and this is just something that grownups do. And if I want to be
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grown up with particularly if I want to show that oh man of mine you can't push
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me around anymore. If he tells me that smoking is just something I cannot do then
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I'm certainly going to do it.
[04:26 - 04:31]
Yeah. What about this business of gratification. Are Fine I've asked a number of
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youngsters why they smoke and I say it's fun. You're going
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to get a kick out of smoking. Well I mean it is it's something that you can identify with
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psychological research is gratification and they say they get from it.
[04:44 - 04:48]
Yes and it's this has been one of the fascinating questions in psychological research I'm
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a physiological psychologist by training. And the interesting thing is that.
[04:54 - 05:00]
The first response of almost everyone to tobacco smoking is revulsion.
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It is not pleasant but again a choke if they persist at it they get
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nauseated. The smell is bad. This is universal I don't think we've
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ever discovered anyone who presented so particularly was cigarette or
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cigar smoke maybe some scented pipe smoke. It had an initial
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reaction that was favorable so that if you if a person says it is pleasant or
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favorable to him then it must have been a learned response and could have been the initial
[05:30 - 05:34]
physiological reaction the person has. So the question is how do you get from this initial
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revulsion to the kind of addicted need in a feeling of pleasure
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that people report. How do you get there. Well apparently.
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A long history occurs as I said some people probably have the kind of
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physiology that addict's them to when it becomes very much like any other addiction it's a
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chemical physiological need that they have. It is more unpleasant not to
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have it than to have it. And probably more people in this simply find
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it so many pleasant things around it such as social approval such as the
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feeling of showing them that I mentioned earlier in the case of rebellion. It
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serves as a symbol then with so many positive connotations to the person that it
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overcomes the initial negative physiological response.
[06:22 - 06:26]
Do you think advertising does have an effect on the ones
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associations with smoking. The associations with the finer things in life
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success or yards are relationships.
[06:34 - 06:38]
The things I've been saying I heard no secret to the advertising companies. And if you'll just look
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at the kind of advertising they do who do you see. Do you see the you
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know the kind of eminent fellow smoking a cigarette. You know it's always the hairy chested
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He-Man the adventuresome guy the guy that's doing something risky and
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unusual and adventurous. They used to have athletes this has been toned
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down some but if they could use athletes and get away with it they would because here's the strong
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dominant he man the person who's worried about this. Who needs
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a feeling of don't occasion with this kind of a role. This is the person now that the
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cigarette comes to symbolize masculinity.
[07:17 - 07:21]
Are you talking about something really a weakness then a person who needs to feel more a
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man more sophisticated and he can't get these feelings.
[07:27 - 07:32]
High in other ways or the feelings he does get in other ways are insufficient So smoking is one
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way for him to help get these feelings.
[07:34 - 07:38]
Yes I think this is the case and I'm not trying to imply that the person needs to be
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unmanly. That's not necessary it's just that he needs to be concerned about how he needs to be worried about
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it and.
[07:44 - 07:48]
Advertising in society in general tells the Dusun individual
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this symbolic act of cigarette smoking is a way in which you can help identify
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yourself with those rules that you want to play in the culture.
[07:57 - 08:01]
Do we know anything about the person out so-called personality differences between
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smokers and nonsmokers.
[08:04 - 08:08]
I sometimes heard that smokers and young people who are smokers are
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more likely to be quote losers are that they're more likely to be
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interested in the immediate gratification of their wants rather than being able
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to hold off gratification.
[08:21 - 08:27]
Yes I think the immediate gratification and need for immediate gratification some kind of
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oral activity particularly is one of these needs that we're talking about
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in a lot of research on this personality variable that
[08:37 - 08:42]
might enter into why a person smokes and how I have to admit
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that it's been pretty inconsistent and not terribly impressive.
[08:46 - 08:51]
But what pattern does come out of something like this. The person
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has a personality that is relatively aggressive.
[08:55 - 09:00]
What I sink I think of psychologists in England has called a stimulus
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hungry person a person who wants to interact with the world wants to have something to do with it.
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But. A person who is relatively inept at it
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a person who lacks the kind of behaviors that would be necessary successfully do this as a
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result he is not only oriented towards this aggressive interaction with the
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world but he is anxious about the outcome. And if he can have something
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like the symbolic cigarette to reassure him in a dignified him with the
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successful adventurous people he'd like to be like then he's come a long way
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towards satisfying this need.
[09:36 - 09:40]
It's very interesting when when do youngsters begin to smoke. How early
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would you say they begin typically. Well I
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think that this varies a lot with the opportunity the person has.
[09:50 - 09:55]
Kids will go along and play it smoking
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probably between five and six years of age and they think this has something to do with their later
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development habit.
[10:02 - 10:06]
I think I everyone gets exposed to it like this I said earlier the important thing is
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what kind of stress they put into later. The time most kids will really
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start to smoke is about junior high or high school age this is when
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the importance of being mature. I see the importance of being competent is and also
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the importance of belonging to a group that accepts you and gives you good surance is
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so if one is able to make it through those teenage years without beginning to
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smoke his chances of becoming a smoker later would be reduced I would imagine reduced
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but there are other crisis points like when you leave home your instance when you have to go out to
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work and you're suddenly exposed to new influences when you enter the armed forces. And
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unfortunately our armed forces still in many cases have free cigarettes given
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you're in with your buddies you want to be one of the men want to be accepted as such if they smoke then
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you have to smoke. Cause what's the effect of parents do parents having to do with their
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young people beginning to smoke. Well this of course is the strongest influence that
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we find in our research. The parents have almost every influence.
[11:11 - 11:16]
Two ways they can do it. As I mention one they can be a smoker them so that
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serves as a model sort of an ideal for the individual surround him with people who
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smokes reinforce the smoking behavior supplying him with cigarettes
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generally make him feel as one of the group when he's smoking and so on this would be might actually be a
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positive way. So there you go.
[11:34 - 11:39]
So are you really suggesting that parents are a key influence here and
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that if we're to do anything about dissuading Hector's from taking up the habit.
[11:43 - 11:46]
Parents are going to have to be involved.
[11:46 - 11:51]
Yes but let me finish what I was going to say things are in the negative way they can do it
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is by being an extreme authoritarian moralistic denounce or of the habit. And
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I'm afraid too many people take this approach.
[11:58 - 12:03]
So how would a parent function and could you give us a little model of what parents should do
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ideally First of all courses not smoke. Right.
[12:06 - 12:11]
But after that what the first thing is don't smoke. And if you and this is an
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impossible advice for many people they must smoke. I think then that if they do smoke
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they should tell their child. I don't like it. I
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wish I could stop. This is a habit that have me helpless be honest with the child be honest and
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open and straightforward in your education instead of moralistic tell him without
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being a propaganda stick about it that this is a harmful habit. This is why you don't
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do it or it is so harmful and so addictive that even though you do it you can't quit.
[12:42 - 12:47]
And if it's presented this way to the child this is informative. You can see the logic of it
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you can show and demonstrate what the ill effects are look at my teeth and smell my breath. However they say this
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again at 5 6 it is too early is soon as a child is interested I think
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certainly around 5 or 6 you want to buy candy cigarettes and
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encouraging youngsters to play smoking with candy cigarettes. I think that if it's
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possible you should. You can't hide this from a child but you should just point
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keep it away from them if you can't why encourage it why handed out at Halloween my kids picked up candy
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cigarettes and how it some body gave those to them. I'm very angry at that person. I don't know
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who it was. Don't do this don't do it at home don't do it at Halloween.
[13:25 - 13:30]
Thank you very much Dr. Corney for meeting with us today on this issue of why people begin to
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smoke. It's apparent that there are many factors involved in this
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business of beginning to smoke. Ideally I suppose one would probably not
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smoke if he lived in an environment and in association with others which
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excluded smoking. Maybe this is really the need and the
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challenge that is to reduce the social acceptability of smoking and to help.
[13:54 - 14:00]
Build self concepts and relationships which are incompatible with cigarette smoking.
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In our next program we'll focus on the smoker and on what cigarettes apparently
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mean to him.
[14:06 - 14:11]
You have been listening to the smoking dilemma with Dr. Ralph grounder
[14:11 - 14:16]
professor of health education at San Diego State College. Dr. Richard
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Carney president of the San Diego County physiological Association.
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This program was produced by FM at the Radio Television Center on the
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campus of San Diego State College. This is the national educational radio
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