The Asia Society Presents #36
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Be Asians who applied to the present.
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This is a series of interviews with experts on Asian affairs designed to
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strengthen our understanding of Asian people and ideas. Your most
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on this transcribed series is the noted author on the ward winning broadcaster
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league Graham. Here now is Mrs. Graham.
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Perhaps some of you don't know this but it came to my attention recently that the
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memorial to President Kennedy which was built in Britain for
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him was based on a Zen Buddhist garden which was built more than
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400 years ago in Kyoto Japan and a low it has some Western
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influence about it is primarily is then Buddhist garden which inspired the
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memorial. Now why. Why did we in the west turn to the
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east and why does the thought of Asia in general influence
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us so much. Whether it's the music of the art or the philosophy what is there
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about the East which we can keenly respond to in our part of the
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world. Well I think that our guest on this program is I think perhaps the
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most qualified person I know of to speak about this. And he's a great favorite of mine and
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of yours. Nancy Wilson Ross is a student of
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Asian art and thought She is an outstanding author and
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novelist written fiction as well as nonfiction. She's a director of the
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Asia Society and of the Tibetan Foundation. She is the author as I
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said of a number of books but two I'd like to recommend on this program because it pertinent to the
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conversation. Three ways of age and wisdom
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and the world of Zen. Now about three ways of Asian
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wisdom. This book was bought by the United States Army to the tune of six
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thousand copies and distributed to libraries everywhere including
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Vietnam. Both books are available in paperback now.
[02:36 - 02:42]
Nancy I can't say Miss Watts because I feel I know you so well I don't believe you.
[02:42 - 02:46]
Nancy why do you think have you heard. Why you of all the
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designs it could have been chosen for Kennedy's memorial in Britain. They turned to
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Buddhism for the inspiration.
[02:53 - 02:58]
Well I think it's a very interesting point. The fact that they didn't decide to put up a
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piece of sculpture. President candidate or anything
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specific that you looked at. But they tried to create
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a setting an environment in which a certain frame of mind could
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be. Achieved by anyone who sat down quietly and looked at the
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landscape around and tried to think about the significance of the life and death of a young
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man who had in a sense given his existence to his country. And this
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is quite pertinent I think to the whole influence of
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Buddhism on the modern young mind that is trying to
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force one's consciousness one's thought back
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into the interior and not to exteriorize everything the way our
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culture has has I'm afraid being guilty of putting its
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emphasis for a rather long time and I think this this Runnymede.
[03:54 - 04:01]
Copy innocence of this ancient 400 year olds and Mama stray
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garden is a most significant fact which hasn't been really very much commented on in the
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press after that first story in The Times which I cut out and I
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think it's a most interesting point and related to the subject we're trying to talk about today which
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is young people I guess.
[04:18 - 04:22]
Or let's say people in general whose minds are young enough and open enough to accept
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new ideas. Not that these ideas and you with the ideas may be new to many people.
[04:27 - 04:32]
Now I've heard you say Nancy from time to time you know I'm being quoted on this that you
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feel you know our roots are Calvinist
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God and I guess you can deny.
[04:39 - 04:46]
Well all my names would indicate and I'm certain out of a certain drawer that he was
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kind of a Protestant by upbringing.
[04:49 - 04:53]
Yes I was brought up as a Presbyterian and now how does one go from being a
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Presbyterian Calvinist to Presbyterian to a tremendous
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interest and comprehension of an Eastern religion.
[05:02 - 05:07]
But I don't think I was a very good Presbyterian as I don't think my father was either although I
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came from a long line of Scottish nominees as a dog. But he was a man who really
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examine live with a very clear and candid eye and he
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also was fascinated about the meaning of existence. And his friends were not just
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Presbyterian ministers they were Jesuit priests and scholars of
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Swedenborg and so on so I grew up in a very permissive and inquiring
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atmosphere and I also grew up in the Far West where Chinese and Japanese people were to be seen on every
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side. And as an observant and sensitive child I actually noticed they went about death in
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life and things with rather different manners and we didn't I suppose. Quietly
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see gotcha's doesn't really account for it because my sister didn't have any of it
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seep into her unconscious someone can beat it.
[05:52 - 05:57]
No I mean we explained it on another program that it was a previous state of
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reincarnation that explained that as well.
[05:59 - 06:04]
I also heard you say it and say that if one is
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infused with Buddhism he has a much better comprehension of why he spoke on
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purpose of this life and why he is here and where he is going. As if to
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indicate that the Western philosophies to religion don't really
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imbue people with theirs.
[06:20 - 06:26]
Well I think without being to that think about it that the difference
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is that Buddhism and it's true of all used religions
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philosophies they try to make you do something quite different than we with our
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Christian upbringing are taught to do they want you to sit Zan in
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particular in Buddhism emphasize something they call sitting they don't even
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call it meditating it's almost too big a word but you said you learned to
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sit down and sit quietly and quiet your
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mind and wait for the thing to enter from outside or rise
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from your interior. You aren't always just stuffing yourself stuffing yourself stuffing yourself you're trying
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to bring out from your own inside the wisdom that is there to be tapped.
[07:09 - 07:14]
That is a very different thing from going to that say a Sunday school being dogmatically
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told ancient stories out of an ancient faith about things that don't
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particularly interest you. If you've got a very bright mind and not the Christian faith doesn't have this is
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profound depths in it but I think we have not stressed them. We have gone away from the mist to go
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and and even the sounds the practical aspects of Christianity and emphasize some
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rather foolish old myths.
[07:36 - 07:41]
But yeah I want except to ask Which do you think of the myth rejects so
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much I don't want to get any bombs through the mail but no I don't write I'll have detonated
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[07:46 - 07:51]
Well I just feel that a lot of it it isn't that I think one should care whether it's true
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that there was a virgin birth or the rising from the grave I don't think that matters if it's a myth or
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truth it doesn't matter but what does matter is that you shouldn't feel
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that you have to know the catechism or or.
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So many hundreds of Hail Marys in order to get yourself through the gate because wherever we're
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going after Live Buddhism would never say that it would say as you as you have
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so shall you reap which we say to him Christianity but we don't stick to it.
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Buddhism doesn't believe in any intercessor you can't be saved by really anybody because you
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save yourself you yourself and Bhutto mile from call the first
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psychologist who lived 500 years before the birth of God you said as a
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man thinketh so is he that's also a bit ago but we don't stress it. He
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said A man's life is made up of thoughts. He is his thoughts no matter what happens to him
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his attitude toward what happens to him is what determines who lives really this is a very
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profound psychological truth.
[08:52 - 08:56]
Yes and we have it as well the thought is the father does the deed etc.
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but we somehow seem to do side of it. We make many do Grayson's. We know which they
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are written someplace in a book that we don't follow. Why don't we use it that our
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culture is such that we operated from doing it. I mean we are forced to emphasize other
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things small physical mechanical things and we're really denied this privilege.
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I think it's true I also think one of the reasons that turns a great many young people in particular toward
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Buddhism is that it is another it's a fresh vocabulary. I remember once when Aldous
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Huxley said something I've never forgotten. He said one of the reasons that.
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Makes it important to study or read about an Asian philosophy is that
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you have a new vocabulary and in the light of this vocabulary you can study your familiar
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one and find new interpretations and new stresses and that you haven't seen
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before and that's something I think can be comforting to people who are afraid that everybody is going
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to leave the fold of Christianity and get into the this Asian world
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and one other point that I think very definitely should be stressed is that the homo Asian
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world with its theory of these vast stretches of time that they call Cowboys are you guys
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and these great enormous kinds of universes on every side
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which the Buddhists and the Hindu is both believe in have prepared them for the
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modern world in the way that Christian people with their rather primitive concepts of a seven
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day. When you get back to fundamentalists a seven day making of the universe and
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sticking to it there's seven days which of course was a metaphor I never should I mean taken literally
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but the Buddhists have prepared as the Hindus have for the kind of
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world we live in. Which is a world which certainly stretches
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our minds to its limits. Yes absolutely.
[10:42 - 10:47]
That may be but still don't you think the West in spite of its over
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emphasis on the physical has provided comfort for more people
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while we are on this particular plane of existence than for the people in other parts of the world.
[10:57 - 11:02]
I mean the health is better the housing is better there's more food I know there are lakhs here
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and there but still there's no doubt we know more about it. So why should we spend that in the
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way you want to and we need to spread it. Well I don't want to be running anything you know but what do we can look
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down upon it a little and speak of the superiority of eastern thought.
[11:15 - 11:20]
Well I think we no I don't think many people do in fact I think I belong to a very
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small minority even though an awful lot of young people are going this way.
[11:23 - 11:28]
But I think we've over emphasized. The external aspects of our
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faith and have ignored and slighted the mystical
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aspects and finally that is where the truth lies I don't think it lies and
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you know better toothbrushes and indoor plumbing and that sort of thing I don't think it lives there at all.
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I think it lives somewhere else and even in India where you see all the misery and the tragedy
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and I think I've said this before on this program if you've ever been in the countryside in India and seen people
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rising and going out to greet the dawn and singing a song I may be carrying
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a flower to greet the rising of the sun. And you think of the hurly in the belly and the stress
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and the strain and be sure to brush your teeth and everything that gets us up in the morning and on our way.
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One has integrate. For my from my point of view
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great healing great deep earth ancient wisdom and the other
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is a kind of rush that we've all got caught in doing without making comparisons which I
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don't believe in and I think we can say something in favor of the other
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approach of the morning.
[12:30 - 12:35]
Yes now it is paradoxical that the comforts and physical pleasures we have
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don't seem to make a smile particularly know when they're around how happy we seem very miserable all of
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us and so the privileges seem to make us grouchy. And I'll cry but you
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know why you can't look happy if you have a good run like
[12:49 - 12:54]
Pollyanna. I mean when if you are teachable very nice and you can too well live that's an
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[12:55 - 12:59]
But all of these simple things and more complicated things that we have we just
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ignore and go around looking completely on a happy and gloomy.
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What brings that about going on related to our inner sow's all together
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and we haven't been trying to even think about them as being there you know there is this
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there are some marvelous things for instance in the Zen Buddhism about the there's a
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wonderful short poem which says. The cherry
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tree blooms each year in the Yoshino mountains but split
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the tree and tell me where the cherries are.
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If you think long enough about that you are thinking about the very meaning mystery of where
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does life and our consciousness come from.
[13:39 - 13:43]
Coming from something it seems to me nothing but there it is like you saying that
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to do of the import religion is in the West. Judaism and Christianity
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have not given this to people. They have their spiritual concepts and
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their moral codes in their divine revelations. What
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failed us.
[14:00 - 14:04]
Do you think we know I think we got caught up in the face of
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Judaism and Christianity got caught up into the whole Industrial Revolution in which
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you know what worked was God's will and this is a
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rather tricky concept to start building a culture on. And we
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got to thinking that if you let a guy in the money and if it made money it was
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alright and I think there's now no doubt but what there is one God in this
[14:30 - 14:35]
country and that is money. It's really true. It's all about I really believe Humes
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is America.
[14:36 - 14:40]
Well it does seem to take place in the thoughts and motivations no doubt tomorrow
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except the young who are somehow turning away from it by great in great numbers and I'm for them
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I think they're wonderful.
[14:46 - 14:51]
Well still you travel through the Orient a great deal you've made at least five
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or six trips to Asia as you noticed a change in the
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philosophy and attitude of people in those parts of Asia where there has come more
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mechanical development for example in Japan because you know it's had that all American eyes now that
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I has this changed the outlook of people and their sense of fulfillment I didn't want to tell I think it's
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changed and it's going to change even more and I think one of the reasons that Zen is
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moving so strongly into the American scene is because Zen is
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moving it is what it is and is moving slowly away into America.
[15:24 - 15:29]
I think this is just one of those great cyclic mysteries that we never do understand but as we
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look back in history we can see these things happening and I think I told you about the Roche
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priest I greatly admire who was the head of the Soto Zen Center and Sam Cisco and he
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said someone asked him what the difference was between a young Japanese. Studying Zen
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and the young American would be and he said the young Japanese would think why make the effort to
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learn to set to meditate if you will use that word and to discipline himself and to learn
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due to garden and clean house and all things they do because they are very proper about the way they live
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their lives. He was a young Japanese and say why do it if you are going to be a
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priest but the young American wants to do it to live a better life and understand himself about it well this is a I
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think very helpful.
[16:10 - 16:14]
I would just the opposite of what you would have expected. Very much so. Now how is it then
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that if you say young people what do you want to
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limit. Well let's say anybody under 50 would make a big big
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big category of it because many people like Gary Snyder and Carol
[16:29 - 16:34]
walk Ginsburg and so on they're all middle aged but they've been crying out about this watch
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for years know how is it then that young people any age you want to give
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this country that feel and decide to escape from all the materialism
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which they were infused as they grew up. Doesn't that prove in a way that no matter what your
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indoctrination you don't necessarily have to stay put.
[16:53 - 16:58]
I don't think they so much want to escape. I think they want to. Well they want to
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know more about you know why they're here and actually a very funny thing was
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written by a man on the subject of Buddha who was a Buddha who founded
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Buddhism was a son of a Raj on he gave up all his vast
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wealth and his estate and his wife and child everything went for determine to find out the meaning of
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[17:18 - 17:22]
And in this parody on the Buddhist story this modern writer said
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Botho was really born in Westchester County attended an Ivy League college and he
[17:27 - 17:33]
had everything down to itemise parents and he copped out because he didn't want to go that
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way. He didn't want to go into the street and he didn't want to you know do all the things I've taken for granted on
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a certain level of American life as the great good life.
[17:42 - 17:47]
When is it since Nature abhors a vacuum and when there's an empty space something is
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supplied to fill it. And so if people whether they're young or old
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feel an emptiness in their hearts and their minds I guess something has to
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arrive which will fill it for them and get them out and get out of. So you think there
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then is such a disenchantment with Western philosophy and religion that people must
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turn to the east because they don't find anything here anymore.
[18:09 - 18:14]
I think that I think when I think the young people are very tolerant about the faith in which they are
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most bought up. But I think they feel that there is a
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way of living something let's say like Zen Buddhism which Christianity doesn't
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provide for them unless they leave the world. I mean Thomas Merton left the
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world and became a Trappist monk as he grew older and at the time when he died he was so fascinated by
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the East and as you know he died in Bangkok and I think this whole
[18:39 - 18:43]
turning of the whole Christian world toward the east is a part of a great sort of
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exchange. It's almost a kind of great cosmic justice because we did
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go to that part of the world and try to impose our way of life on them and to say we
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alone have the word and the truth which I don't believe for one moment. I don't think God if there
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is a great concept that we can look at and call God a great over. Reaching
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consciousness if there is such a thing it wouldn't have just one avenue into
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life and that one avenue would be Christianity that just doesn't make any sense at all when it could certainly have
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many interpretations and many avenues of approach.
[19:15 - 19:19]
Still don't you think it's a good turn of events that many
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critical people. I mean people of the quote ministry in this country
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preach and so forth. Turning away from the seclusion they
[19:29 - 19:34]
used to practice and even ask you to weigh our civilian coming go I'm
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going to go and work in communities in ghettos and that's what I think it's all part of a
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great interplanetary thought as being almost a great a
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great world revolution in which people are.
[19:47 - 19:51]
So it's a going away but isn't it turning one's back on the
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withdraw and seclusion and going on with that may be right for them but that doesn't
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mean that's a law that applies to the whole world I think that the fact that a great
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Benedictine scholar can write is an Catholicism. That's great. 5 I salute
[20:06 - 20:11]
him as I salute Thomas Merton for beginning to be so interested in the plight
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of it about which he was violently worked up and
[20:16 - 20:21]
determined to travel around the world getting permission finally from the trap of this this order
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of. Really we're all departed acolytes I think that's
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all fine but I don't think we can lay alone that I may may have to come out of the West
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may have to leave it retreats.
[20:32 - 20:37]
There are all these patterns are all going on at once and I can't think we can pile on a
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lot of the whole business of this great revolution in which man man is really
[20:42 - 20:47]
I think trying for the first time on a world wide scale to understand
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what he is and learn what it is to have a brother with him not to take care of him not
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to me as a brother's keeper and not to take responsibility but to say this is my brother.
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I am he and he is I may be but that is the enriching development that
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we do use the east with the West in the West to the east. What is the the
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greatest. Yes so it would not go on imposing on the other.
[21:12 - 21:13]
About the exchanging.
[21:13 - 21:18]
Yeah this is so well described in your book
[21:18 - 21:23]
three ways of age and wisdom and I hope that people will see it that they get a
[21:23 - 21:28]
copy of it since it's in paperback it's not expensive of course. Still if
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you were to summarize what Buddhism has. For people in the West
[21:33 - 21:34]
could you do that.
[21:34 - 21:39]
I know that's difficult. Well I think as I say Buddha was the
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first one of the first psychologists and the other to
[21:44 - 21:48]
psychological truth twenty five hundred years ago and he was saying what
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is in there would have really drew as a man thinketh and his heart so
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is he. You have to decide about yourself you have to learn who you are and you
[21:58 - 22:03]
have to do it by different ways and just thinking about it. You have to sit down
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and quiet your mind sit meditate
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concentrate on the mystery of your own being without doing it self consciously
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and out of quieting your physical body. There will without any doubt
[22:17 - 22:22]
arise certain truths and freedom from anxiety. That's a great
[22:22 - 22:27]
thing. That anxiety in a way is the first step and I think anxiety led these
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young people toward this new way of studying themselves in life.
[22:32 - 22:37]
It is the first way toward a step toward enlightenment anxiety so anxiety can be very
[22:37 - 22:42]
positive. And that's a good thing to think about because the whole world is terribly anxious that we're sick with
[22:42 - 22:43]
anxiety on every level.
[22:43 - 22:48]
Lively to put this in and lay a person's anxiety.
[22:48 - 22:52]
Well because I think it appeals and again I don't want to say that appeals to the mind because of
[22:52 - 22:57]
Buddhism tries to get you away from the mind somewhat but it is it seems more
[22:57 - 23:01]
believable I think to you. Have the power
[23:01 - 23:07]
to control in a sense your thoughts and your
[23:07 - 23:11]
activities which will make your fate and to think that some intercessor
[23:11 - 23:17]
in whom you may not have any faith at all is going to do it for you. You see Buddhism puts it squarely back on you as a
[23:17 - 23:18]
[23:18 - 23:23]
Would you say that in the east there is a corresponding
[23:23 - 23:28]
interest in Western philosophy and religion as we in the west are. Knowing
[23:28 - 23:30]
I don't think it is the same.
[23:30 - 23:35]
Not in our philosophy but there is an interest in our motorcycles on motorbikes on
[23:35 - 23:40]
television and all the rest for material things. This is what's happening in Japan and
[23:40 - 23:44]
in a sense it's deplorable but since I think all time and in history is cyclic.
[23:44 - 23:47]
I say it just follows as the night the day that we will bring back.
[23:47 - 23:54]
From Japan the proceeds of which I think were brought really back to the soldiers after the
[23:54 - 23:58]
war and so are
[23:58 - 24:03]
you saying that it's deplorable for the East to enjoy or
[24:03 - 24:08]
want to import on motorcycles television sets way of life in general emphasis on cars
[24:08 - 24:13]
because this will do something to disturb this serenity and philosophy is that is it.
[24:13 - 24:18]
Income I don't think has done much for I don't know. Some of us don't
[24:18 - 24:20]
mind some of them do.
[24:20 - 24:25]
I can't speak I can't really speak much in favor of motorbikes annoys me
[24:25 - 24:30]
and I'm not sure you know this this externalize life that we're
[24:30 - 24:35]
exporting is really anything but I think it's there it's a part of history we can't
[24:35 - 24:39]
escape it. So because we've had a lot of the east we have become
[24:39 - 24:44]
dismayed and confused by what you think. So we do the same thing
[24:44 - 24:49]
and if I am. Where will we turn for our missing We'll have to
[24:49 - 24:54]
try to get it from you hang on to it. There are some people
[24:54 - 24:59]
the wise the sages and un-American I think you are among
[24:59 - 25:02]
them. Well I don't think they were that I got
[25:02 - 25:07]
so much appreciate all of this.
[25:07 - 25:10]
Ages aside appreciate it whenever you visit our market
[25:10 - 25:17]
and I'd like to say that our guest on this program has been Nancy Wilson RockNess
[25:17 - 25:23]
as you know was a great student an observer of eastern thought and culture and philosophy.
[25:23 - 25:28]
She is a director of the age's society as well as the Tibetan Foundation. She's the
[25:28 - 25:33]
author of a number of important books but I'd like to bring to your attention this one three
[25:33 - 25:37]
ways of age and wisdom. And another one. The world of Zen. This is Lee
[25:37 - 25:42]
Graham saying goodbye and very happy that any program on which we can show
[25:42 - 25:47]
you that. Well the east is east and west is west. The time has come for the twain
[25:47 - 25:51]
to meet such a thought always makes me very happy. Thank you and goodbye.
[25:51 - 25:58]
That concludes tonight's edition of the Asia Society presents with league rail.
[25:58 - 26:03]
This series comes to you through the cooperation of the Asia Society. If you would like to
[26:03 - 26:08]
comment on tonight's program or would like further information about the society and how you
[26:08 - 26:12]
can participate in its many interesting activities please write to Mrs. Graham
[26:12 - 26:17]
at WNYC New York City 100 0 7
[26:17 - 26:22]
and make a note to join us again next week at this time for another edition of The
[26:22 - 26:58]
Asia self-id presents.
[26:58 - 27:01]
This is the national educational radio network.
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