Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind A new concept of the mind, part one
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From the Great Hall of the Cooper Union in New York City. National Educational radio
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presents the Cooper Union forum series on peace love and creativity
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the hope of mankind. These programs are recorded by station
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WNYC. Here now is the chairman of the Cooper Union forum
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Dr. Johnson yfere child.
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show for you in the forum with your
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German is not only fair taking you from the great hall of the Cooper Union
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where we're continuing with the program of the title the creativity the hope for.
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Readers something for the immediate discussion of the moment has to do
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with a new concept of the mind and. Its
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Implications for a creative power.
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Your guest tonight is Dr. Daniel Schneider.
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Dr. Schneider is a diplomated the American Board of psychiatry and neurology and
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a member of the American Psychiatric Association and a founder of the Academy of
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He is president of the foundation for perception.
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However the author of numerous books.
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The gross concept of nervous integration.
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The Psycho of. The Artist.
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The image of the heart. His most recent book.
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Psychoanalysis of a heart attack.
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In 1958 in a lecture here at the Cooper Union
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Dr. Schneider introduced a new concept of the mind as containing a basic.
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Creative tension relaxing level of conscious
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of the power of Congress and the president lectures a
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chapter in a new work in progress.
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Anonymous Thomas wrote a line of the
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night of the will come down the Cooper Union I think it was evening.
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You're fair.
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Game and.
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Some eighteen years ago I published a book
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called The psychoanalyst and the artist.
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That book took me on a very long journey.
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I am still travelling.
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But I hope to be able to.
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Tell you some of the places I've been and what conclusions
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I have come to so far.
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And that book.
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I was particularly interested.
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In Howard the dream was made how it
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related to the artistic process
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and how it was that a work of art was sometimes the
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equivalent of a dream turned inside out.
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There was every evidence that there
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existed in the mind.
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In other words they form a maker
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which at night could produce the form of our
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dream of art. And during the day.
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But it produced the framework. And forms.
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Of all of our arts and even our sciences.
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In addition to that though not bad at all.
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I soon learned that
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there was an imagery of the heart imagery
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actually based upon the beat of the heart. And
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in many ways producing the derivative imagery of the heart which exist
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in all languages to express emotion
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courage one.
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Harrowed. Etc..
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Third way the more I study in an objective way
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the artistic process the more it became clear that an essential
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part of that artistic process. Was the capacity to
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renounce or intrigue to tame
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and subdue. Not only others
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but mainly ourselves. And the man
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did not build his world on the basis of
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renunciation of certain animal drives
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including the tendency toward. Riot
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prejudice and superstition. If a man did not
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payment these animal instincts however intellectually
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seemed not much creativeness resulted.
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There was a price point which I had also
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brought to this concept of the mind from my medical studies and my
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neurological studies. And this was really the repression
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of the old grief I feel. Namely that a healthy mind exists
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in a healthy body or in more technical terms
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that the heart was actually monitored by the mind.
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And that all the necessary tension relaxation balances that
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make it possible for us to breathe and indeed to exist
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are also exquisitely. Used to
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monitor the car the tension relaxation machine of the heart as it makes its
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imagery and that it provides its energy.
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It is this balance which gives an architecture of the mind.
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There were there are or there are new aspects one
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there was a porn maker too. There was an imagery of
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the heart.
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Three there was a tension relaxation machine that made possible
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the architecture of these forms in the creative process.
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And furthermore there was a thing called. Taming
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and subduing or remounting animal instincts.
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We hear a great deal today about the subject of creativeness
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and wow the creativeness is an important thing. It becomes
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increasingly important not in the cliche in
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trivial consideration of how to make more money by writing a
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more gimmicky book or a play but it comes
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becomes very important now to day in our lives when the world
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stands on the brink of destruction. The larger
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creativeness with which we are concerned therefore must be a part.
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Of the fundamental creativeness of every man. And it is in this
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sense that I am interested in creating this. I am interested
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in it at every level of historical
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political sociological
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artistic scientific industrial
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and in that ever present creativeness we call the making and rearing of
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The most harm in the denominator in our human experience
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however. Which enables us to relate this
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new concept of mind to history and sorrow.
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Which is the capacity of a man to tame and subdue his
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world and himself. And there is only one word
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for this. Creative nucleus which exists in every
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human character. We have a name for this although most of us do
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not know it. The name for each of our
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capacities for games that do are in green nouns are animal
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instincts so that we may build them ourselves and our
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world. Is the word domain
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domain is different from your minion. And it is different from
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the dominate domain comes fundamentally from the
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Latin word. Meaning to tame or to
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subdue. It gives us the Latin word doormen a form
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master. And it gives us the word daemon for the wife of the
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master. Domain is not the same as Dominion
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nor is it the same as imperialism. Domain has several meanings
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and they are meanings at every level but like. Every
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creative level of life at every level of legal
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expression even the real estate spheres of interest
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territory. And this even in mathematics
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domain means one thing. It means the
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capacity to build and you see creative instrumentality
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of the mind which will on the one hand compose creative
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solutions in the outer world.
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And at the same time monitor the body especially the heart
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in the inner world. At this point
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a new book. Comes to our aid. I read very a very
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excellent book by Robert Hart called the territorial
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imperative who showed that in all higher vertebrates.
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There is precedent need preparatory even
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pressured into sex and it is clear that men who
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have a need to mark out territories. Dominate that
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territory and build it themselves.
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The concept of domain in all its relationships the territory
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as one example of how to read only and enables us to
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make a link with history a link between history and
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psychology that was never made before.
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One hundred eight years ago on this forum in this hall.
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Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the great speeches of the Civil War.
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It had to do with this subject of territory and
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not only territory but more than that it had to do with the subject
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of right upon that dark territory and about what form
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those territories and those rights would take. He
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spoke here against the extension of slavery to the
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new territories.
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And as you know the Civil War was not a fight.
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Primarily to free the slaves although that was one of its
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collateral instrumentations the Civil War was fundamentally a
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war. Designed to prevent the session.
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You remember that the rebels recalled the secessionists. It was
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designed to protect the union. Because of the union of the United
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States represented the new
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domain of the man not the new dummy but the new
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domain. What the founding fathers did in
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1776. What is to create a new concept of
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man's right to his own mind and to his own body.
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Jefferson hoped that slavery would disappear Union was the
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outer expression of that and it
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is there or in the concept of domain that we can see the link between
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history and psychology between an internal war
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maker in man that is connected with his ability the standard
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speak write.
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Paint then make architecture
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create science.
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It was for this that Lincoln bought. Into what supports this
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that the world remembers him when he lean green the
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slaves he created.
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Again what the founding fathers had created
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he created again in the new sense of domain
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a new sense of world. Brotherhood. Which
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is perhaps the most creative idea the world
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has ever developed. And therefore tonight
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after I have given you some examples of how this domain
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works in the arts in the sciences I'm going to
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try a new interpretation of the confrontation
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between pilot and Jesus of Nazareth
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and to attempt an interpretation of the crucifixion Beijing
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upon man's incessant struggle to develop
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higher frameworks better configurations and the more powerful
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mind where will solve the world's problems.
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Modern History begins with the story of Jesus.
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It comes almost to an end with the Lincoln and we are
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still fighting Lincoln's war. It is in this sense
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that I am concerned with creativeness and I see the arts and the
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sciences and the industrial genius of this country
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as part of the same creative liberation of an evolving
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human mind that has within it a form a maker
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related to these miraculous hands of ours
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related to this capacity to speak to communicate among one mind with
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another. To create a tissue and texture.
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Intangible but definite that we call public opinion or the
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public mind. And the thing which responds to truth.
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In a very definite way it has in it if you will all the
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resonant feet of the human heart. It has a thrill when it is right.
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Whether it be a great moment on the stage whether it be a great moment in architecture
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where be it whether it be a great educator to your greatest advantage or whether it be
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a great political speech in history. There is no mistaking
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the thrill of creativeness when it hit the note of truth
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even though we may never define truth.
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I do not believe that any great artist or
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any great figure in human history worthy of the name
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has ever created anything unless he was touched
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by this feeling.
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Of the emerging universal body. And emerging brotherhood among
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all the peoples of the world Earth. And perhaps
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eventually toward the conquest and space itself. It
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is in that larger framework that I see the problem of creativeness not
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in the terms of the vanity of this author or that author or this
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act or that actors who preceded him in cried himself
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in whatever paper or magazine he can hold.
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We have need of a greater concept of human creativity a new
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concept of the human mind than the one in which we are presently.
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I was going to say immerse but I think I often say swamp
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men are not animals. This is not a rat race.
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This is a world of men struggling to become
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an evolutionary ladder to the stars.
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So automatic is our internal artistic
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form maker that a great many works of art
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have come from dreams themselves and in those dreams they show
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not only in the form of this field which works
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automatically at night which I call the para conscious feel.
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It shows not only the general forms of our mind in our speech
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and our hands and our rationale. It also shows the imagery of the heart.
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One of the greatest examples of a dream become art and
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universal art and therefore enduring and therefore one that will
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be read throughout the history of man resulted from a nightmare.
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That Robert Louis Stevenson had he was suffering
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from tuberculosis which he had had his entire life. And as a young
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child. With fever you usually hear the heartbeat in the ear and imagine the lives of
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a horse or a rider galloping past his house all night long.
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Years later on the island of Samoa trying to recover from a nearly fatal
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lung hemorrhage he had a violent nightmare
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that nightmare which is why it woke him from his great anger because he
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hadn't had a chance quite to finish it. He sat down and wrote
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out for three long days that nightmare was the story
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In that
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nightmare we have Jekyll as the rational man the man
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who understands right. And the illumination of the of the
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world which we call life. He is ready you know.
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He is good and we have Mr. Hyde who is of a
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curious and bloodthirsty creature. A part of Jekyll himself
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this is the other self. This is the self that is the heart hungry for
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blood. This is the cell that prowl the streets at night.
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This is the man. The other engine of all our world will fantasies.
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And this opposition in our own body and our own mind
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illustrates the struggle that we have to come to a rational
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solution of the world's dilemma.
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As you remember.
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One Jekyll finally loses control of
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Mr. Hyde and Mr. Hyde takes over entirely.
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Gentle can no longer return to himself until the heart
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has stopped beating until Heidi is dead and
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one hide is dead then the form the form
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of man again.
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It has a curiously prophetic quality. It is almost as
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though those who would throw the atomic bomb
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whose minds are governed by the curious sick animal.
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Regret you need you to destroy
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with the concentrated hide of our universe and our
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terror is that they will take over.
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All the Dr. Jekyll aspect of our lives and that only as we
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all lie dead of the Jekyll form returned to
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no avail.
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