Music and other four letter words #6 Mozart's Death Wish
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University of Utah radio presents music and other four
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letter words.
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Here is your host associate professor of music at the University of Utah Paul
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Yes. I think I cannot fit too strongly with someone who has lived on the age
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of 17 or maybe at the outside 18 and not read Groucho's little
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novelette the sorrows of young or were there as you please.
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I must have been dull indeed and of little consequence and
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I think as we have noted before the little book never failed to affect
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him even in later years when he went back to it as serene and sane and
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classic and somewhat over well-balanced.
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Elderly. Man.
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Bird strikes this generation I think with particular
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significance. The young tortured man who has artistic
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sensibility who is a painter but not a great painter whose talent is not a
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man whose feeling of belonging is not very great Any place that he is
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who is confronted with the stablish moment who needs to make his way
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who can somehow relate. And I guess that's the big word nowadays
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too. The kind of society to which he has been born and with which he is
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constantly thrown and who is loyal to his friends but sees that his friends
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speak in the same sort of established jargon that he has been
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accustomed to speak since childhood who has a hankering after the folk
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the naive the people from body who must be out there someplace in the
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country or in the hills or away anyway from the
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Critical Condition of the big cities where where history and civilization have
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sort of taken charge of the terrible spiritual rigor mortis was in.
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Who leads them to the nearest village she can find who goes to the
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nearest tavern in that village who begins
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impetuously to try to speak to the people and then discovers that he
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cannot be understood and is not really acceptable to those people simply because
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that first word he utters they recognise that he was a person the breeding. Person
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of education. It's impossible for him to change his syntax and indeed his
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accent. Both results in the kind of frustration
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which I suppose many of us can sympathize with.
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Nowadays the only difference is that the folk who are harder to find may still be possible
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in some places and in Europe or Asia to run to a village
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and see people who have the look and the character of both lovely
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paintings of a century or two ago where the folk are represented at
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their earnest and and honorable toil.
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But maybe that too will pass.
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Vera if that were not enough to fall in with
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the epitome of for him her ideal beauty and the domestic girl.
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Who is good at household chores who knows all about little children
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who are the best possible kind of mother.
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Who has all of those Teutonic ideals and
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extending them to girth which he has low with.
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Sort of in his mind's eye wanted. And whom he
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first encounters in an ideal pastoral setting as though everything were
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conspiring for her as it turns out ultimately against
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him. The temperature is just right when he sees her
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the light is just out in the sky.
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Those essential things which are difficult to communicate. And which were
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I suppose almost always overlooked in matters of personal relationships
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are present. Take the temperature take the
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color take the time of day take the time of life take the particular
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feelings in at that moment take the precise
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look on the face of law when he sees it. Take the fact of the
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children. Whatever is.
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The Fourth some of the breeds. Put them together. But
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most of mother to be. And then the terrible disillusion of finding
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that this too is unattainable and that our beau she will speak to him and although he can
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probably communicate with her better than with any other person that he has
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spoken to short of his friend to whom he writes letters that she was
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betrothed already that she has promised that there is no way to cut through the social
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niceties of this out-of-the-way village.
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And that ultimately there is to be no relationship and there is finally to be no communication
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that he is after all the type of wanderer a pilgrim
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of this person on the earth who has no chance of any call
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and this results of course in suicide. Nowadays I suppose looking back on this
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little book the suicide seems excessive
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sentimental to I don't know what words are used about the sorrows or the sufferings of
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that half. In that generation the late 18th
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century. Apparently it was not received so loudly or so
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trivially. For a long time there had been some kind of
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dissatisfaction about the tendency of that generation to label people to
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categorize them to put them into types. We hear complaints often
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nowadays about numbering people. I suppose it's something like that sensibility too.
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At any rate it has often been exaggerated it is
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true that after it was translated that a number of
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young persons throughout Europe took it seriously enough as to emulate the
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example of its hero. And to commit mutual
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suicide. I don't know whether pistol
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makers were in business simply because Ritter had used a brace on them and that is
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two. But certainly persons took
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whatever was the convenient way. Or they
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shot themselves or they did whatever it was they can do sometimes
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to attract attention to their plight and sometimes because they
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felt that there was no way out of their time or their situation and that the
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great enemy of course was society. It was the
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birth of Mozart was growing up.
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1756 was the year in which entered the
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world from 1791. Or that he left.
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During all that time I suppose he wasn't really primarily affected by trends and
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by books and by anything else which was going on in the cultural society of his
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time. He said that he was primarily a musician and he didn't even like to give
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lessons on the clavier. Especially if you had to go to somebody's house to give a
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lesson. He felt that he was naturally superior by reason the talent
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that other people were to apply the word genius to him.
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There were artistic rats about him and he had to serve them faithfully. He had to serve them
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sometimes in a different costume or dress from that which they wore. And that piqued him.
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He felt that he was naturally superior to them and that somehow fate had been unkind. But
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I don't suppose he brooded on that. He seems to have gotten tired occasionally about
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it written some sassy letters to his father and even sent some sassy things
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to people for whom he worked who managed successfully to infuriate a number of
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people. And it is even believed again this year that for
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one reason or another probably his irritable
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disposition and the prospect of his talent ultimately paying off
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and that he was secretly poisoned. He writes letters
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to his father in 1778 which is the year as I remember it of the famous
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Sinfonia contect in the flat for violin and viola which is
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among the more tempestuous of Mozart's pieces if you want to listen to the
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second movement in C Minor from Paris where he was not particularly happy he
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wrote to his father.
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If it were not for him. I would leave this house at once.
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I played on the miserable wretch at the piano forte but what vexed me most
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of all was that Matt and all her gentleman never interrupted their drawing
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for a moment but went on intently so that I had to play to the chairs to
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the tables on the walls. Under these detestable conditions I lost my patience.
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I therefore began to play the fisher variations and after playing half of them I stood out.
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Where upon I received a shower of a load. Upon which I said the only thing I had to say
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which was that I could not do myself justice on BET club. But I should very much
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like to fix some other day to play on a better instrument would be available.
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But as the Duchess would not hear of my going. I had to wait for another half hour
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until her husband came in. He set down beside me and listened with the greatest attention than I.
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I forgot the cold.
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My head ache and in spite of the wretched cloud there I played as I play when
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I am in good spirits. Give me the best record there in Europe with an audience who understand
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nothing or don't want to understand and to not feel with me you know what I am
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playing and I shall cease to feel any pleasure at all.
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You know the typical Mozart type passage.
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He's unhappy in Paris. If he's unhappy in Paris where his mother
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incidentally died. His wretched miserable
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in starts work. Nowadays people flock to Salzburg because this is
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Mozart's birthplace and pilgrimage place and it's sweet looking town and
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everything is made up to be attractive and appealing I suppose.
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To tourists. Mozart every time he looked at. Those acquainted
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towers they were abominations and provincialism them and that
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behind them there lurked enemies and incense people and he was largely
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The two archbishops that he had encounters with who. Were
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archbishops largely because of family preference and not by the
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spiritual calling.
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Regarded him as another Salzberg someone who could sit in the
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livery of the household at the lower level and write music to entertain them. On
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Saturday nights they made this position extremely clear.
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To Mozart who I suppose never rightly understood it.
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Kim thought that he had been celebrated child taken by
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his family across Europe. The entertainer of kings and
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queens and princes the little boy who had been asked to write a piece of music
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for posterity at the British Museum which is now not very far from the Magna Carta
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who had slept the sensational state bedrooms who had been surrounded by go
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and Sterling. And people who were extremely well spoken and who had
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flattered him from his earliest years to come back to his birthplace and to
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fund lesser persons adopting an unusually high tone towards
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him was more than he could bear. He finally left and went to Vienna where he had
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prospects of being happy. He married in which she had prospects of
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being happy. Although it was not a blissful union with
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Constance it was at least endurable. Vienna was a place that he
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came to dislike as well simply because of the audience
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which he had expected. And once again to recognise his talent and to give him money
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and to celebrate him as he had been celebrated as a child. Grew Tired of the sort of
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things that he had to offer them. It was a very faddish group when
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playing piano concertos was no longer and he turned to writing operas. It
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became clear that certain kinds of opera were not in and when he wrote to Don Giovanni in
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1787 he seems to have hit on the wrong
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for society. There were complaints that he was a disturbed young man but he ought to sort of
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square himself in a way that it wasn't the business of music to
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sort of lay one's personal feelings bare. The Emperor complained that
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he wrote music which was much too loud. That sort of
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got in the way of the conversations and. Whatever else was supposed
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to be going on at the same time that music was being played particularly in the
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opera. But Mozart's orchestra seemed to be drowning out the singing.
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Mozart was always complaining that he never had enough people to play his music. That's sort of a
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handle like an Wagner like he needed much more authority in order to
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make his point. Well anyway one looks at it I suppose.
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Johann resourced I'm going to do this Mozart was not a happy man.
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However consciously hold but this kind of.
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Unrest or this equivocation which he felt in his personal
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life was really the business of his music.
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I suppose it's simply that he sometimes couldn't help himself.
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He wrote as he felt when he wrote quickly. He sometimes could not remember things
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that he had written although they were rather good pieces he said.
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This generation listens to the music of Mozart and finds it extremely equivocal. At
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one moment it's possible to listen to some music and say I was with you as
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Myra has gone.
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Or happy you must be happy she said or die. But
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it's. The last little appendage which makes the difference. Because
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at another time listening to the same music one finds it impossible to listen to it
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happening. But it feels that he takes on a certain
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behind subliminal melancholy.
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Let's listen to a couple of songs by Mozart for a minute now. What one would
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call a typical 18th century music. Final
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movement. A Rondo from the MOTU are not.
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The kind of music but Mozart's music ought to be active.
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You really aren't charming.
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[16:58 - 16:58]
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There was all of that peripheral nervous excitement.
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Some of the facade of this time of Mozart himself who was not a very profound person who
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was given to looking at things quickly caricaturing them largely in his drawings and
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passing on to the next thing something of the feeling of Rousseau coming down I
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suppose to breakfast in the morning and finding one of his. Mistresses
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hers and his and his partridge and gobbling it up with great erotic excitement
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because it had come from her or her himself in one of his more
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superficial moments bumping against a lot of me under the table and into
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hot flashes of the lights fusing him.
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Yes that that's an aspect of life too.
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But then we remember the bird killed himself. And we remember
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too that Mozart wrote this letter to his father. I need not tell you.
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What anxiety I await better news from yourself. I count upon
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that with certainty in all things to anticipate
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the worst since death. Take my words literally
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since death is the true our lives. I have made
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myself so well acquainted during the last two years with this true and
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best friend of mankind that the idea of it no longer has any
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terrors for me but rather much that is tranquil and comforting.
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And I thank God that he has granted me the good fortune to obtain the opportunity
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of regarding death as the key to our true happiness.
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I never lie down in bed without considering that young is lying.
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Perhaps tomorrow I may be no more.
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You have not one of those who know me could say that I am more rose. Or
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[22:31 - 22:35]
And for this I thank my creator daily and wish heartily that the same
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happiness may be given to my fellow men.
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An inverse happiness. Maybe. I. Remained a
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believer as far as we can tell to the end though perhaps not quite as practicing
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and quite as orthodox a believer as he had been in his earlier days.
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Voter is the boy who says too. I never lie down in bed at night
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without considering that tomorrow. I may die.
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And who begins to see that maybe there are no answers for him and all of the
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light which is around him. And there are certainly no answers for him in all of the associations which he
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is forced to have and which he cannot be reconciled with. And if there is
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any answer maybe it is in the Great Darkness.
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A very terse aspirations towards. I suppose our
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fearsome and unknowing Mozart insists that he have a
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tranquillity and that he has come to understand perfectly the true
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happiness why he didn't have fits of melancholy
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probably which people outside probably wouldn't know about he writes about them in
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his letters to his father.
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It would seem of the sort of book the sort of mode of being or apprehension for a
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composer is after all the true meaning of life. But some of
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that might occasionally happen in his music. I think for example a
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very famous piece in C Minor which on the surface of it could be an exercise in
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counterpoint but could also be an exercise in
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vegetarian sensibility.
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This has been music and other four letter words.
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Featuring Paul Bana associate professor of music at the University of
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Utah. Music and other four letter words as a production of
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University of Utah radio executive director Rex combo
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series director Gene PAC. This series is made possible
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by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
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